Monday, February 18, 2008

When it was: "The Frabjous Day Callooh Callay!"

They were making fun of the British accent today although not in a mean way. Doc, the conductor of Chamber Singers, loves throwing jokes in the middle of rehearsals. Just to light up the practice time that sometime’s just so gloomy due to work overload. I can tell that he's very creative when it comes to 'let's make fun of the British accent'. It is funny and I am okay with that. It just reminds me of AC, my old school, so much. Especially today..

I wish I can go to Spring Reunion- they call it 'The Old Boy's Game'. I guess it's because of the tradition of having rugby match in every reunion. Really not fair! How about the girls then?! We probably should call the reunion- "Let's Pick Daffodils" (^___^)

Dad called 2 days ago. Let me know that he got my card. It reached hi just on time- a day before his birthday! It couldn't be better, could it?! :) I told him that I've decided not to apply for UK visa. "Not enough time, Daddy", I said in a blue tone. He knew I was sad, coz he knew how excited I was when I was talkin to him, like some weeks ago, about my plan to go back to UK. He tried to ensure me to just try to get the visa. Kalo sempat ya syukur, kalo ngga ya at least u try. Gitu kata papa.. But I said no.

Last night I had a conversation about the hugging tradition amongst the Europeans. In my old school, AC, people hug each other so much. One thing that I cannot find either at home or here. Gua baru sadar kalo gua kangen with such sweet tradition. Americans do not really give hug to their fellows and they also interpret it differently. Well, gua bilang sih mirip2 org Indo kali ya. Pelukan tuh diartiin more to as something 'sexual'. Apalagi kalo peluk2an ma lawan jenis. Wah, bisa langsung digosipin macem2 deh.haha.. And memang,untuk org Indo, kalo sampe pelukan ma lawan jenis (selain keluarga), itu pasti ada apa2nya! Rite?! Hehehe. Gua juga, kalo sampe dipeluk temen cowo indo, pasti udah gua gampar/cakar/jambak tu cowo! Enak aje meluk2..heuheuhue However, the intention dr pelukan yg diberikan org Eropa tuh beda banget. That's the way they show how much they care and you can feel how sincere the hug is. You don't have to be a very close friend of someone to get a hug from her/him. And that's why I was so shocked when I got my first 'boy hug' at I got it when I, as a naive little Indonesian girl, just landed in the UK. It was awkward and he realized that I was shocked. haha.. lucu juga kalo gua inget2^^. Akhirnya kita malah jadi temenan baek.hehehe..

I miss my fisties sistas; Mim and Jen. I wanna see my co-year roomie whom I shared a room with (including all the laugh and tears) for 2 years. The Hongkong Giants- Mark, Ivy and Carmen 'Standard level Bio, Kingkong'.lol. Absolutely want to see my fellow Christians- Mark Ivy Carmen (again), Hetty, Bella, Alana, Melecia, Grace, Chris, Matt, Karen, Berenice, Sadi, Margrethe and Alex. Tenzin my twin, Hoovie my son, Darryl my teaser, Kumiko my link sis, Siti, Fha, Ain and so many others!! Wanna see Geof our Chem Papa and Catrin our English B Mama. Mr Birdy too.. see if he is a bit slimer Wanna see Max too, the silly british boy that I was in a big crush It was rather 'funny' how it worked. The first year, we were close friends. Still close friends until 2nd year and tiba2 'sadar' dat we got in a crush satu ma lain at a 'wrong situation and time'. haha.. The farewell night made our friendship became somehow awkward. Was too emotional, way too expressive (I will say). The first and, might also be, the last time I see him crying. We showed our emotional feelings to much to each other tanpa 'mengaku' apa yg sebenarnya kita rasa.Hahaha.. it's crazy. But it's just nice to have those kind of 'cinta monyet' stories. Biar ntar kalo gua dah punya anak, bsa crta2 juga ke anak gua that I have an excitingly colourful youth! :D Gua skrg mah udah kagak ada prasaan apa2 ke dia.

Not forgetting the dining hall, the library, the communal shower.. Also want to see Powys House, where my shelter was. Last but not least, wanna great our mighty Castle- our trademark and skaligus place where pelanggara2n paling asik dibuat (kayak having picnic di atas roof yg aksesnya SANGAT dilarang^^).heuhuehheu..

All I can do is just to pour my excitement here, in my bloggy blog, and wait for 9 years until the next reunion. I hope you guys are gonna have so much fun with all the sheep and daffodils. Okay okay, and the rugby ball too..

Yours forever,
the one and only (crazy) Indonesian

1 comment:

MyCuteLord said...

i met yr dad last sunday. he cried out like a big baby of missing you & gaby gahahaha go back to UK, i faithfully support you. muach