Sunday, August 22, 2010

trying to be selfless

My petit ami is graduating soon. I am happy for and proud of him, indeed. Yet at the same time I am kind of nervous, scared that he won't find a job here in the states and will have to go back to Indo-- read: leaving me alone, not cool.. :( If truth be told, I WANT him to get a job and stay in the states at least until I am done with my Undergrad degree. But I can't be selfish, can I? I really should pray for whatever best for him, instead of whatever is the most comfortable for me.

On the other hand. I am struggling a lot with my dental school apps. I am so hugely in doubt now, whether I still want to continue my education here in the states or go to a school somewhere near home, like Singapore. At the moment, I am emotionally and mentally more driven for the later option. I WANT to go to school not so far from home (read: reachable within one DIRECT flight!). But I can't be selfish, can I? For I am not mine no more, I am praying for whatever is best according to God's will and plan. Praying that I do not lose courage..

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

lazy Tuesday nite

So, at the begining it was me asking my bff a favor **digging her rubbsih bin to find my shopping recipt** what a good friend I am! LOL

Angel Mogie 02 August at 23:29

Mo minta tolonggg... huhuhuhu. Kita p struk AEROPOSTALE ta da dapa buang pa nn p trash can sto noh. Kalo nt nda mind tolong lia akang dang kalo masi ada.. tu struk stand out skali.. ada garis merah muda basar (tanda so musti ganti rol struk baru dang). Mar kalo nt p tampa sampah so ta tambah barang2 laen.. nda usah jo.. I don't wanna make u dig on the rubbish..hehehehe. Cm kalo dapa2lia, tolong punggu akang.. sama dng pengemis kita jo kang..wkwkwkw.. Sori skaliiiiii.. dont mean to make u go through your trash can >.< cm kalo dapa2lia jo (and kalo nda kotor), minta tolong simpan akang.. again,soriiiiii...

btw, lupa bilang kyapa.. hahaha. one of the jeans yg qt bli kwa longgar.. tiap 10 langkah musti tarek2 ka atas. pas coba nda dapa rasa dp longgar.. ternyata pake bajalang br dapa rasa. jadi atik da mo rencana exchange di outlet d ohio. bgtyu.. merci!!

Alen Polii 03 August at 17:43
mojay, nn yakin da buang di tampa sampa? soalnya qt da udek2 nda ada no.. masih sto kwa di depe tas, oto, ato dompet? ato popoji calana nn da pake tuhari nda? co cari ulang..
di sini ada depe tag 24.50 Very Be XS/TP.. mar bukang struk dng nda ada garis merah muda besar...

Angel Mogie 03 August at 20:58
aduuuh ksiang.. kyapa so sampe aduk2 t4 sampah dang nn?? soriiiiiiii soriiiiiiiiiiiii >.< nda bermaksud ksiang.. qt p mksd kalo ada kong dapa2 lia, tolong punggu kong simpan akang. mar kalo nda, biar jo npp.. soriiiiii skli so sampe bekeng nn aduk2 trash can =(

biar jo val npp. maybe so ta taruh d mana sto ta so nentau ley. nanti kalo pulang indo dec qt mo fermak jo.. btw THANK YOU BERRY BERRY MUCH NEEEEE.. kasiang, ta da bekeng org pe anak udek2 tampa sampa -_-

Then we started talking about my plan on this coming Saturday.. About Ray coming and staying overnight and then jalan-jalan ke aquarium

Alen Polii 03 August at 21:08
Ya elah cuma itu le, hehehe biasa jo. Qt pe sampa le kering.. Btw soal aquarium nnti qt tanya pa arya dulu ne. Jam brp rencana mo cabut dari aquarium?
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Angel Mogie 03 August at 21:10
torang sih rencana pagi2 so di akuarium.. mo usahakan by 9am, latest 10am. soale pengen secepatnya cabut bale OH si ray. kita sih mo nginep satu malam le di MD boleh mo manjo.. kwkwwkkw.. eh, agustus 14 so maso skola blm?? main2 ke ohio yukkkksss.. skalian ada food bazaar ^^

Alen Polii 03 August at 21:12
Mksdnya sabtu ke aquarium to. Nn mau nginep di md mlm apa?
Hehehe nn kirim pa qt tu food bazaar cuma bkng ngiler jo!
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Angel Mogie 03 August at 21:14
jumat mlm.. makanyaaaaaaaaaaa.. road trip k columbus jo, dng arya.. yuks yuks yuksssss ^^

Then for some reasons Val got confused

Alen Polii 03 August at 21:15
He? Mksdnya jumat mlm ka md, kong sabtu aquarium di baltimore? Bola bale dang nt??
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Angel Mogie 03 August at 21:44
kan ray sampe jumat sore.. malam stay d sini. sabtu pagi br k aquarium, then sore2 so cabs k Ohio. gityuu.. hhehehe

Then she got even more confused..

Alen Polii 03 August at 21:55
Nn bilang mau nginep sabtu mlm di md itu sabtu mlm dang? Mar nmbole lntrn somo bale, bgtu? Haha dodol qt ehhh
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and I was so confused that she got confused.. wew

Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:10
eehh?? *bingo* wkwkwkwk.. bakudapa di ketemu tong pe bcrt ini.. rupa kucing cari tangka ekor sandiri, taputar2.. wkwkwkwkwkw

ray sampe jumat sore.. nginep d sini jumat malam. sabtu pagi k aquarium, sabtu sore cabs k cols..

Now she got it... hahaha

Alen Polii 03 August at 22:15
hahahahhahahahha kita so MANGARTI skrang!
qt pe kira pas nn da bilang MD di -->kita sih mo nginep satu malam le di MD boleh mo manjo -- msdknya mo nginep sini di Frederick. Baltimore le kan masih MD wakakaka
msdnya nn klo mo nginep satu mlm tu sabtu le npp, mar ray tu mau bale sabtu kang..

hahaha sampe panjang bagini do tu thread

I thought it's so funny it worth posting this thread on my blog.LOLs

Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:18
yoeeeeeeeeeeehhh.. wkwkwkwk.. ta mo copy paste di blog ahhhh.. lucuuu re'en yahhh kikikikikikik :P

Val complained, that me publishing this thread is merusak her nama baik.. hahaha. I updated my fb status to --just read someone's blog and wonders "what's so cool about flirting around with other girls' boyfriends?? Even if you are a good friend of those boys, that's not an excuse! You are a girl yourself. You got your own bf. Leave them alone and BEHAVE!" *sorry if I sound crossed. Just can't handle such poor non-ladylike atittude*--, val read it and asked..

Alen Polii 03 August at 22:19
Weee memplubikasikan kita pe kedodolan. Btw sapa pe blog tu di status na?
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Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:22
ahahahah ada vall.. hhhhhhhhh qt cm nda mangarti kyp ada cewe model bgtu.. sebagai sesama cewe, lumayan irritated qt. walaupun nda ada hak to be angry sih, soale nda ada hub dng qt. heuheuhehuhe.. mar nda suka jo noh model bgt.. not a bitch but acting like almost-the-border-line-of-being-a-bitch.. hahaha so irritating..

guess who's that! ;p

Dari cerita muter2 bingung, sampe akhirnya main tebak2an :p

Alen Polii 03 August at 22:23
Hee nntau le.. Sapa, qt kanal??
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Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:24
menurut nn dang???

*asiiikkkk.. bekeng org penasaran nananananananaaa..*

Valen is teased..haha

Alen Polii 03 August at 22:26
Eeee berdosa, cuma bkng penasaran. I didn't care at first, cuma demi penasaran jo, sapa ini qt kanal kaang??
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and I pretty much enjoyed teasing her :D

Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:27
what do you think?? *wink wink*

Korban menyerah angkat bendera putih..

Alen Polii 03 August at 22:29
I really have no one in mind.. Nda ja iko blog le qt. Hee somo tidor laju jo
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Karena kasiang pa val, qt kase bocoran.. now I am being a good friend rite? :p But I censored the itsy bitsy secrecy parts, replacing them with **CENCORED**. Sorry guys, it's 17++ only!!

Angel Mogie 03 August at 22:33
io.. qt le nda sengaja dapa dp blog.. dp nama starts with **CENSORED**, **CENSORED** huruf.. so banya komang dp clue.. ;)

apparently val is off to bed... ahhhh, gantung.. skrg malah gua yg penasaran!! wkwkwk.. we'll see tomorrow! ;)