Saturday, February 9, 2008

That really wasn't just a luck!

Im in Cols at the moment. Having fun with my fellow Indonesian freinds.. Moreover, I am soexcited that, after a while, I got the chance to go to church this Sunday. Yayyy ^_^

Hari ini lumayan cerah dan juga ngga begitu dingin. Such a beautiful day though it was pretty windy. Gua diajak makan si Dion and then kita pegi cari kado buat acara baby showernya kenalannya Dion. Then, gua didrop Dion di rumah Wenny. Gua rada2 ngantuk juga so gua pikir gua nap dulu lah sebelum pegi ke officenya Wenny bentar. Ya wes, pas sampe d kamar, gua dah siap2 mo nap, tiba2 gua pengen ke toilet so I went to the loo. Everything was fine up to that point but then...

Guess what..


and that means I LOCKED WENNY OUT TOO!!!!!!!!!

the key was still in the room and I forgot to unlocekd the door when I went to the loo..

(holly cow)

I was so frustrated when I just knew it!!! Gimana ngga mo frustrated coba, udah pernah kejadian kayak ini sekali eh jadi lagi. Well, ngga mirip2 amat sih. But still it's two similar issues dealing with Wenny's keys. Inti masalah dari dua kasus itu ya, kita bedua kena lock out- guanya sampe Sunday, Wennynya sampe Monday.

My wallet was in the room.. so was the mobile..
and, even more horrible, it was already 3pm on Saturday. It simply meant- THE MAIN OFFICE OF THE BUILDING IS CLOSED ALREADY!!!!

I was so hopeless and felt like I just wanted to eat myself!!!!
But then, I prayed! I kept on praying while I was so panicked. I kept on begging for HIS mercy, kept pleading HIM to not to let the panic situation block my mind.
Then I suddenly thought that I should try to see if there's still anyone in the main office. Secara pikiran manusia, it's kinda lame. Coz we knew, on saturday, the office closes at mid day. But I didn't knw why, gua ngerasa kayak kata hati gua nyruh gua to do so. So I ran down stairs. Geez!! Yeyyy..There's a lady in that office, getting ready for home (I could see her through the curtain). The room was locked and kinda dark. I knocked several times but she didn't seem to want to open. I knew she didn't want to open coz wkt itu kan ada anaknya jg di dlm kantor itu. Anaknya sekitar 8tahunan gitu. Anaknya kayak mau buka pintu gitu but ngga dikasih ma mamanya. Pas gue ngetok lagi n anaknya nanya "who's that" mamanya blh "ssshhhh" gitu, suruh anaknya diem (myb mamanya kira gua ngga bisa lihat mereka..). I got frustrated again.. I knew I could do nothing but pray. So I PRAYED (kusuk banged pokoke >_<).. Doa gua ngga panjang2. Gua cm bilang "God, please soften her heart.. please soften her heart so she'll open the door for me".

Akhirnya dia buka pintu yg sebelahnya!!! Awalnya dia kelihatan kayak mo ngintip gitu. But then krn gua dah liat dia (or could be that she actually wanted to help me), dia aknhirnya tanya gua ada perlu apa. So then I told her what happened and she lent me the standby key..

At this point.. gua ngga tau bisa bilang apa ke Tuhan. Rasanya beribu2 terima kasih ngga bakaln cukup. Kejadian yang sebelumnya juga cm karna kasih Tuhan banget.

Our God is indeed a loving God. Ngga cuma DIA dah korbankan nyawaNya buat gua. Hal2 lame kayak gini juga, TUHAN tetap perhatikan. Oh Lord my God, YOU deserves EVERYTHING that I have!!!!

Wait a sec! Gua baru nyadar, dua kejadian yg mirip ini terjadinya always pas gua hang out bareng si Dion. I see.. arrgggghh lo trnyt bawa bad luck ke gua deh yon! Aih aih.. muahahahha.. joking2^^. But kok bisa bertepatan banget ya? You better start to think about it! huehuehueheuhueh


Unknown said...

hahahaha asem lu...itu ga ada hub nya ama gw, tapi emg dasarnya lu emg lagi sialll!!

Angel Mogie said...

ahhh.. lo kan mmg tukang pelet! (semalam ngaku kan) sapa tau aje, ilmu lo lg kacau trus jadinya ngefek ke gua deh, jd sial dhe gua! muahahha..