Saturday, December 13, 2008

so close yet far away

Final exams udah di depan mata..

TUESDAY 16th-- Chem Lab
THURSDAY 18th-- Calculus and Chem exams
FRIDAY 19th-- Animal Physiology exam and English essay (plus 14 short responses)

then i'll be done for this semester!! Yayyyyy (^_^)v

p.s. and me asking..
is this one, the one?
Either answer and either way
in You I trust, to You I pray

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

randomly found

May, 12th 2008, 17:00 (California time)

I am on the plane, on my way home. Just finished lunch. It was a pretty decent Japanese meal and I liked the cold noodle as well as the rice cracker. My tummy hurts a bit and I have no clue why because the food was not spicy at all (ehmmm, Japanese food, for org Manado? It won’t ever be considered spicy, I suppose). Now I am eating the dessert. Ben and Jerry’s chocolate brownie. It couldn’t be better, just parfait! Ben and Jerry’s is my fave ice cream and chocolate brownie is my fave ice cream flavor. It would have been even more parfait if they have given me a slightly larger cup (of ice cream).hehehe. ini namanya dikasih hati mau jantung^^

Yesterday I went to church with aunt Honie and my cousin Jenny. I was a bit lazy to go and actually planed to just sleep until mid day ( I was so jet lagged even though the time difference between Ohio and California is only 3 hours). I am glad that I listened to my gut! I went to a church called Saddleback Church. It’s a non-denominational church that focuses its mission on putting Jesus’ teaching into actions. The preacher was so powerful in delivering God’s message and I’ll talk about it in my next post.

I am on the plane now. Sitting at the very end of the plane but it’s nice since I don’t have anyone sitting next to me. I can wide spread my legs and put my messy stuff next to me. I actually planned to read a book I just bought yesterday. What inspired me to write this is my cousin Jenny. We spent the night when I arrived at her home talking- from school to Barack Obama, not forgetting our plan to watch the Olympic together, also about pre-medical stuff, and ended up talking about boys (she started, not me, okay?!lol). Frankly speaking, I was hesitating to talk about this issue at the beginning. But I don’t want to ruin the nice heart to heart conversation that is already built. And she was really insisting, wanted to listen to my, fi so called, love story. So I decided to talk, although I knew she would not understand it as the way I do. And yes it was not only my prediction or ‘sok tau-ness’. She was born and grew up in the states. Her way of thinking is unquestionably American. But I could tell that she respects my point of views. Then she talked about her stories. I smiled a lot, we laughed often.

I told her my parable “I am like a bird. I like to fly free and high. Sometimes I fall and it hurts my wings. But that’s okay. It's the process of learning. Otherwise I won’t ever be able to improve my flying skill. But, if I knew that there’s a danger, like a storm for instance, ahead of me and I might die if I flew that high, why should I dare to fly? When I fly high enough, if I fell, my wings might hurt but I would still be able to fly again after a short while. But if I flew really.. really high.. and I fell.. it might kill me. Or if I don’t die, I might break my wings permanently and would not be able to fly again. Forever. It’s different if I did not know that there was a storm coming to struck me. But if I knew ahead that there would be a big storm, there’s no reason for me to take such risk!”

And yes, it’s not as simple as what I just did. I ordered a pineapple juice even though I am allergic to it. I like the fresh taste of pineapple although it means I have to let my tongue suffer from itchiness. Between a bird and its wings, there’s a more critical consequence. What is a bird without its wings? What is a bird if it cannot fly? An old proverb says ‘A man without ambition is like a bird without its wings’.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lucky to have been where I have been :)

I am so in love with Lucky, a sweet song by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. I did not know this song until Ray and Ko Tries showed me a clip of Ko Tries' friends singing it. Also, Ray kept on singing that song that day (during CG on Saturday) and when we were hanging out together during the retreat. He made the song funny by repeating the "do you hear me" bit (as if we were It made me curious to listen to the original version of that song (not the one modified by Ray and Ko Tries.hehe..). So yea, I finally browsed the actual song myself and found that I am soooo in looooove with that song..
Hmmmmmm, wonder if someday I would get to sing that song with someone.. and who would that someone be? I mean, the male vocalist obviously doesn't have to be my bf or fiancee or hubby. I just want to sing it with a male singer that matches my type of voice. If I could find one, that'd be amazing! =D

Here's the link to the original song:

and here's (I think) the best covers of Lucky (although I do not know who you guys are, but you both rock!!!! Four thumbs up!^_^):

p.s. Jason Mraz rocks!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuhan itu baik =]

Pengen banget saat ini mau mengaminkan bahwa memang benar situasi sulit bisa membawa kita untuk bisa lebih sensitif terhadap kasih Tuhan, bisa lebih merasakan bahwa Tuhan itu ada di dekat kita dan sangat penuuuhhhh dng cinta kasih. KuasaNya yang ajaib dinyatakan lewat kelemahanku yang masih penuh dengan daging ini.

I have been feeling down for some days without any obvious reasons. And the bad thing is that I even get unmotivated to pray and do my daily Bible reading. Everything seems to be so pointless. Nothing bad or upsetting happened recently. Malahan, I just came back from the retreat yang begitu memberkati dan memberi inspirasi (the sharing from retreat is coming soon.. wuuahhh, bakal panjang postnya deh!^^).

Hari ini aku bener2 surrender.

I could not do any work. At all. Padahal waktunya ada, cuma motivasinya itu loh, kayak menghilang dari peradaban. This is the first time in my life, even next-day deadline failed to give me the pressure to do my work- org Indo bilang.. ngga ngepek!! Kalo org lost appetite sama makanan, aku lost gairah sama pelajaran2ku (tapi appetite mah jalan terusss.. hehehe). Rasanya maleeeeeeeeeeeees aja bawaannya and semuanya seems so useless. Even kemaren malem, dari jam 8 aku start mo ngerjain maths hw, sampe midnight yg aku tulis tau apa coba? JUST MY NAME AND THE DUE DATE!!!

so, yea, today aku pikir 'wah dah kelewatan nih roh kemalasan gua. gotta ask my BIG DADDY to help me out!'. So I decided that I'd pray. Awalnya susaaaaaaaaah mo doa. Segala macam aku coba bikin sebagai motivasi but teteeeep aja ngga bisa doa. So, aku paksa diriku buat doa!! Grrrrrrr!!! It was hard, but I believe ngga ada yg mustahil bagi Tuhan. I was so confused by my own self that I don't even know what to say/ ask God. I just prayed "Tuhan, Angel nyerah.. please ngomong sama aku.. please.. Angel nyerah.. please Tuhan, ngomong.. help me..". Then, after sometimes, I felt like reading my Bible. Rasanya kata hati gua kayak bilang, "read your bible"!. Aku balik kamar (tadinya di toilet, that's the only nearby place where I can have my private space), ambil Alkitab dan baca. I opened it randomly, dengan iman aku yakin Tuhan akan bicara sama aku lewat firmanNya!

and these are the passage I got (and they are already highlighted!):

"Dalam kesusahan aku berseru kepada Tuhan, dan Ia menjawab aku,"
~ Yunus 2:2a

"Ketika jiwaku letih lesu di dalam aku, teringatlah aku kepada Tuhan, dan sampailah doaku kepada-Mu, ke dalam bait-Mu yang kudus."
~Yunus 2:7

I almost cried when I read that (but malu lah sama roomie..hehe). So I went back to the bathroom and tiba2 saja hatiku pengen banget to do open worship. Although cm di kamar mandi, I believe that hadirat Tuhan bisa turun dimanapun n kapanpun asal kita mau buka hati. Because HIS home is in our hearts! :) I worshiped HIM and I came with my brokenness and surrender everything to HIM. Legaaaaaaaaa rasanya.. I haven't felt this peace for quite a long time. Terlalu busy dng hal2 yg harusnya disepelekan but malah diutamakan, dan yg harusnya diutamakan malah disepelekan (hayaaihh gimana pula kau Njel.. -_-").

Makasi Tuhan dah ngingetin. Udah narik aku balik lagi sebelum aku berjalan menjauh terlalu jauh. Help me know You are near, help me to trust you fully O Lord!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome to the 20s club!

I am 20 now. Not a teenager anymore. I am curious about what life will bring into my 20s; graduating, go to grad school, having nieces and nephews, and meeting my soul mate maybe?

I thank God for HIS love and blessings and guidance up to now. It's been 20 years now and Your love is unfailing and I bless you, my dear Father.

3 goals I want to achieve as presents to myself:

1. Be more organized and retire from my "Miss Dead Line" title
2. Implies the saying "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". It is okay to not be pretty, but it is lame to not be beautiful for everyone is beautiful in their own ways if they are able to let their beauties shine!
3. Go to breakfast!!!

Happy birthday to me! =]

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Scientist

by. Coldplay

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
Oh lets go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart

Nobody said it was easy
Oh its such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh its such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ohh (x4)

this song recalls truckloads of memories
past and present, I am cherishing both!
please take me back to the start..

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I don't understand this. How can people play two masquerades at a time? Especially two very opposite masques. I know no one is perfect, including me. But this is just ridiculous! It is somewhat goofy, in my opinion. However, it's good to know. I learn something. A pretty essential fact that teaches me to be wiser in deciding whether to trust or not.

Anyhow, the whole thinking about this "essential fact" leads me to a realization about something even more essential. I was surprised by my self how I am still into that "more essential fact". It is kind of complicated to be explained and also I don't feel like sharing it here in my blog. Though, the take home message is, I should not take anyone as a re-bound since I myself don't want to be taken as a re-bound!

Once I open my door for a guest, I should wait until that guest is gone and the door is closed before opening another door for another guest. The guest can stay as long as it wants, I don't mind really. Just, I don't think I can handle two guests at a time. Too hectic. Maybe, I'll wait for this guest to finish taking a good rest in my room and let my room to be empty for a while and not welcoming another guest. I guess I need to hoover (and do the dishes as well).

To be with someone who tends to lead me into becoming someone else, or more aptly, put me in situations that makes me think I should be this or that way (in order to please that person).. pardonez-moi mon ami, you better back off! I'd rather stay single forever! I only/just/must want to fall for someone who knows all my goodness and weaknesses, yet still love me. I will surrender this heart ONLY for someone who makes me feel great for being my self; simply just the way I am!
I used to accept as true the saying 'to be in love with someone, you don't get to choose.. you just fall!'. Now, it's about principle; Life will teach you to subordinate your heart to your mind.

The great one is unreachable, cannot share
The reachable one is rather fake and lame
Neither the great, the lame nor me should take the blame
For through this all I am becoming wiser and more humane

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am my own prisoner (and could relrease myself)

Some people say that some things are better left unsaid. I do agree yet, to some extent, have to disagree too. Things that are left unsaid are often ended up being said later on. It's like a 'bom waktu'. No matter how long you keep and hide it, it will explode at some point.

To me, some things are better unsaid but even better forgotten (if possible). Some things are too wasteful to remember, like burning blood in an oil lamp. To hide but also trace memories that aren't supposed to be traced is like digging a grave for oneself. I would rather not to hide anything from myself. Honesty is still the best policy. Well, I won't deny that I violate that policy sometimes, for the sake of others or 'the situation'. But I do not want to hide anything from myself. At least I am trying not to. Running away from my conscience is what I struggle to avoid. I don't want my brain and my heart to play hide and seek with each other. My brain has the right to know what my heart feels, yet should not necessarily be ruled by the feelings.

To know my self at the level of my very own being (if that makes any sense) is a goal I am trying to achieve. I believe: to control, I first have to overcome. Overcome my emotions and feelings. Overcome my mood and my unmotivated mind. But first of all I have to be able to overcome my dishonesty. Being a liar to my own self does me no good. I found that it's better to let my self know the worst fact than pretending not knowing it by saying 'oh, it's better left unsaid'. Yes it is better left unsaid to you! But not to my heart.

Running AWAY will not solve a problem-- you got to run THROUGH it!
When one runs away from a problem, it's just like running in a circle; yes you are far from the center yet will never get any further. But once one runs through it, the distance from the problem will go to infinity, like a continuous linear line (hopefully)!

Running through a problem might hurt, but it makes you stronger. You burn a lot yet learn a lot!

Misery won't touch you gentle. It always leaves its thumbprints on you; sometimes it leaves them for others to see, sometimes for nobody but you to know of. One day, I will be at the age when my memory won't always serve me well. And at that time, I will, completely, no longer be a prisoner of my own.

No superstition

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A discourse on aiming for heaven and maintainng joy in one's heart

Yesterday I talked to Ko Bud over the phone for a while. He mentioned about his plan to go to NYC right after thanksgiving retreat. That sounds cool to me since going to NYC is one of the holiday destinations in my must-do-before-going-back-to-Indo-forgood list. But I came up with a disagreement with him when he said that he might be going there by himself. I was kind of insisting that going to a place for holiday without any friend is rather unpleasant and less meaningful. When it comes to traveling, to me, what matters the most is not where I am going but with who I am going. Although, when he said that he might spend the whole time in NYC exploring museums, I then showed some compromises.

Today, I was surprised by my Bible reading. It is on Revelation 22:6-17, which emphasizes so much on what it means to aim for heaven as our final destination. Is it the glory of heaven that foreground my intention to experience heaven? Is it plainly because I am avoiding the burning hell? Or is it something else? What is my motivation (behind all the good deeds I do) in achieving heaven?

Just like my believe in what is most important about a holiday, I think it is the same case to a newly wed couple in planning their honeymoon. They might get busy and excited with all the brochures and websites that offer them all the great honeymoon destinations but overall it is not so much about the place; it's about being with the person you love! :) We got used to places no matter how glorious they are. But being with a person who loves us and whom we love never gets old!

Such intentions like mine and the newly wed couple's (about having holidays/ honeymoon) is the kind of intention one should have toward 'heaven as the final holy destination'. Heaven is, undeniably, an incredible place beyond our dreams. But the greatest joy to be in heaven will be the experience to be with Jesus FOREVER! Could you imagine how marvelous and fascinating it would be to see Jesus, someone who died for us and who unconditionally loves and care about us, face to face? To spend eternity with Jesus is the greatest aspect of heaven!

I believe that the connection between my light chat with Ko Bubud last night and my Bible reading this morning is not just simply a coincident. Instead, I believe it happened by God's will- so I can have a better comprehension of what He wants to tell/ teach me through my today's Bible reading.

To be reminded again about the right aim to experience heaven also reminds me about what I should endeavor to achieve in my life as a Christian, whom believe in Jesus more than just as a God who rules but also as an Abba Father who loves me eternally PLUS unconditionally. In dealing with this life, of which is full with uncertainties, I should not focus too much on the blessings He gives me. Instead, I should focus more on Him- the SOURCE OF MY BLESSINGS. The capability of applying such simple yet important ideology will not only lead me into becoming a wiser person in interpreting any events that happen in my life, but also will aid me in sustaining the joy in my soul.

Possessing a rather brittle heart, Joy is what I need to survive in this challenging world. I accept as true that a true joy is a gift from God. Nonetheless, just like any other gift would decrease in value if we did not take a good care of it, the joy in our hearts could decay as well. We need to act to uphold the joy in our heart. Through the help of the Holly Spirit and our acts, the sustainability of the true joy will remain unshaken.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prepared, Planted, Placed, Pruned, Prospered (2)

God planted a garden... there He put the man whom He had formed.
Genesis 2:8 NKJV

What does it mean to plant? To bury seeds beyond human view so that they germinate and eventually produce fruit. In God's plan for your life, He's planted blessings you experience over time. Just because you walk out into a field and don't see a crop, doesn't mean the seeds aren't there; God has planted things in your life that will come to fruition at different times.

It's amazing that God would plant. Why would He go to such trouble when He could just speak a word and create it? Think of the love, the personal involvement of the Creator of the universe, as He stoops down and plants blessings to come up at different seasons in your life. Everything God has for you hasn't come up yet, so you can't give up, or walk away and say, "That's all there is." No, God's got so much planted that you haven't yet seen or experienced. You're still becoming what He planted. Knowing that reinforces your faith that it will happen. It also means God believes in you - even when you don't believe in yourself.

There are talents in you that haven't been discovered and dreams that haven't been fulfilled. That's what the battle is about! The devil is fighting you over your destiny. He knows what's been planted in you and he's trying to kill the seed. Don't let him. You're not the person you'll be six months or six years from now, because there's a time factor; everything doesn't come to harvest at the same time. You have to have faith and patience, otherwise you'll miss what God has for you.


Monday, November 3, 2008


From now on, I am officially a Kenyon College Molecular Biology Major! :)

to be continued..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Belajar dari ikan sapu-sapu

Sudah satu minggu ini ikan sapu-sapuku 'passed-away' . Sejak saat
dia meninggalkan akuariumku, baru tiga hari saja tidak dibersihkan,
lumut pasti akan bermunculan di akuarium kesayanganku.

Aku tidak ada waktu untuk membersihkan lumut-lumut itu dan juga
tidak ada waktu untuk membeli ikan sapu-sapu yang baru. Suatu hari
kudapati lumut sudah memenuhi kaca bagian dalam akuariumku. Aku
berpikir, ini tidak bisa dibiarkan. Keindahan ikan-ikan kokiku akan
tersembunyi jika lumut-lumut itu kurelakan tumbuh dengan sehatnya
menemani mereka. Ikan sapu-sapu bisa menjadi solusi untuk membantuku
membersihkan lumut-lumut itu. Sebab sapu-sapu adalah ikan yang
makanan utamanya lumut dalam akuarium atau kolam ikan.

Pada sela-sela sempitnya waktuku, sepulang kerja kuluangkan waktu
untuk mampir ke toko ikan dekat rumahku. Aku berkeliling mencari
ikan hitam yang tidak menarik dan berkulit kasar itu. Akhirnya,
kutemukan satu ikan sapu-sapu yang tidak begitu suram kulitnya,
walaupun tetap tidak indah dipandang mata dan tetap saja kulitnya
akan kasar.

"Berapa Pak, harganya?" tanyaku pada si penjual ikan itu.
"Tujuh ratus lima puluh rupiah, Mbak," jawab si penjual itu.

Segera kusodorkan uang dan setelah itu langsung kutapakkan kakiku
menuju rumah. Ikan sapu-sapu itu lalu aku cemplungkan ke dalam
akuarium. Dengan sigap dan bagai habis lepas dari kurungan, ikan itu
langsung meliuk-liuk. Dan ... betapa senangnya dia menemukan sebuah
sisi kaca yang penuh dengan lumut. Ikan itu langsung menempel di kaca
penuh lumut tersebut. Tidak peduli dengan ikan-ikan kokiku yang seakan
sedang mengerumuni ikan sapu-sapu itu untuk berkenalan.

Lagi-lagi karena tidak ada waktu, ikan itu memang hanya
kucemplungkan dulu tanpa kubersihkan akuariumnya. Pikirku weekend
nanti pasti aku ada waktu.

Keesokan harinya, saat akan berangkat ke kantor, kusempatkan menyapa
ikan-ikan kokiku. Wow, pagi ini mereka tampak begitu indah .... Tapi
bukankah memang ikan kokiku itu warnanya indah? Ehhh ..., tapi kok
lain ya? Warnanya bukan saja indah, tapi begitu bersinar. Terus
kuamati ikan-ikan kokiku dengan sirip mereka yang panjang bagaikan
kain sutera yang berkibar-kibar seolah ditiup angin. Terus
kuperhatikan mereka karena terlalu indah bagiku untuk kutinggalkan.

Saat pandanganku tertuju di pojok akuariumku, ada seekor ikan hitam
yang tidak bersinar sama sekali. Dia seolah sedang menepi dalam
dunianya sendiri dan takut untuk bergabung dengan koki-koki indah

Aku tersadar .... Ya, ikan-ikan kokiku terlihat begitu indah dan
bersinar bukan karena ikan-ikan itu yang berubah, tetapi keadaan di
sekitar merekalah yang berubah. Lumut-lumut yang membuat kaca
akuariumku buram sudah lenyap! Ya, lenyap! Kaca akuariumku kembali
bening sehingga ikan-ikan indahku terlihat semakin indah. Ikan yang
tidak menarik yang kubeli kemarin dengan harga murah itu telah
melahap habis lumur-lumut itu. Memang untuk itulah ikan itu kubeli,
tetapi aku tidak tahu akan mendapat ketakjuban yang luar biasa
seperti ini.

Kupandangi kembali ikan hitam yang sedang menyendiri itu. Dia yang
tidak menarik itu telah membuat sesuatu yang indah untukku pagi ini.

Ikan sapu-sapu sangatlah tidak menarik. Dia tidak punya kelebihan
fisik yang dapat dibanggakan. Harganya pun sangat murah. Tetapi
Tuhan memberikan kelebihan luar biasa pada dia. Dia dapat
membersihkan permukaan kaca yang begitu kotor menjadi bening
kembali. Itulah yang membuat ikan sapu-sapu begitu dicari-cari oleh
siapa saja yang ingin akuarium atau kolam ikannya terbebas dari

Aku ingat diriku. Begitu banyak protesku pada Tuhan karena merasa
aku tidak memiliki kelebihan dari segala sisi. Tuhan memakai ikan
kecil itu untuk menyadarkan aku, "Kuciptakan dirimu bukan untuk hal
yang tidak berguna. Kau ada di dunia ini karena kau berarti bagi-Ku,
untuk melakukan hal-hal besar bagi-Ku!"

Aku masih terpaku di depan akuariumku. Aku masih menatap ikan kecil
yang tidak menarik itu. Aku seperti menatap diriku. Hari ini Tuhan
memberikan aku pelajaran indah dari seekor ikan. Hari ini, Tuhan
tidak ingin aku semakin tenggelam dalam pencarian arti hidupku di
dunia ini.

Aku berarti bagi-Nya, aku berharga bagi-Nya. Dalam pandangan mata,
aku memang tidak semenarik mereka yang ada di sekelilingku, tetapi
ada hal istimewa yang Tuhan berikan padaku, dan aku yakin itu akan
jadi berkat bagi banyak orang karena Tuhan yang menganugerahkannya.

Aku beranjak dari depan akuariumku. Jam di tanganku sudah
menunjukkan waktu untuk segera berangkat ke kantor. Semangatku
menapaki hari-hari ke depan kembali menyala. Kuucapkan syukur untuk
semua pelajaran indah ini. Terima kasih Tuhan! Terima kasih ikan

Selamat belajar dari ikan sapu-sapu ini... dan semoga kita
mendapatkan 'lentera jiwa' kita spt yg dinyanyikan Nugie ...

by: Zammia M. Arial

Saturday, October 25, 2008


[100% iseng punya nih! lol im just in a very good mood right now.. hehehe^^]

1. jika kamu adalah warna ?
,, kuning ^.^
2. jika kamu adalah musim ?
,, autumn
3. jika kamu adalah musik ?
,, a mixture of jazz and r&b
4. jika kamu adalah hari ?
,, jumat evening when classes are done for the week.. ahhhhhh..
5. jika kamu adalah kota ?
,, Venezia
6. jika kamu adalah negara ?
,, Austria
7. jika kamu adalah anggota keluarga ?
,, Faithful wife and great mom :)
8. jika kamu adalah makanan ?
,, rice :)
9. jika kamu adalah sepatu ?
,, sneakers
10. jika kamu adalah buku ?
,, one of kahlil gibran's books deh
11. jika kamu adalah toko ?
,, asian food market ;p
12. jika kamu adalah kue ?
,, banana bread!!^^
13. jika kamu adalah suara ?
,, my own voice
14. jika kamu adalah situs ?
,, my blog :)
15. jika kamu adalah surat ?
,, surat menang lotre miliaran dolarrrrr heuhuehuheue
16. jika kamu adalah tempat tidur ?
,, yg comfy yg isinya bulu angsa heuhue
17. jika kamu adalah karakter anime ?
,, doraemon
18. jika kamu adalah tokoh kartun ?
,, hmmm.. siapa yah.. mojako dhe! (soale close to 'mojay' lol)
19. jika kamu adalah mata angin ?
,, north
20. jika kamu adalah lagu ?
,, i am not a girl not yet a woman- britney spears (huahuahuha... but temporarily doang..)
21. jika kamu adalah handphone ?
,, Nokia 6600 yg kucintai biar dah bututttt
22. jika kamu adalah kosmetik ?
,, moisturizer
23. jika kamu adalah band ?
,, gospel jazz band
24. jika kamu adalah nama ?
,, mojay
25. jika kamu adalah diri kamu sendiri ?
,, very grateful to be so blessed!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Finally! Foto2 yg gua tunggu2 rampung sudah! hehehe :) (although kualitasnya rada low krn cm ditransfer via YM)
These are my favorite ones..^^

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Mom always knows when I don't feel good or am worried without me having to tell her. She sent me 2 encouraging texts today:

"Morning is just like painting; you need an inspiration to get going"

"Don't be scared. Yesterday God was with you, today you are under His care and don't worry about tomorrow for He is already there!"

Love you mom! =)

Monday, October 6, 2008

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw (^____^)





Excited excited excited!!!

Cant waiiiittt!!! Gosh I am so into it!!!

Cant wait and curious! I am so bloody EXCITED!!! :D

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Samedi après-midi

je suis bouleversé..

Pourquoi suis je pensant au tout ceux-ci? Les faits qui rendent me la sensation non désirée et seulement. Je suis triste aussi. Je veux juste un peu de compagnon, un peu de la preuve.. pas plus que cela! Au moins ne faites pas mon coeur souffrir comme ceci, sil' tu plait! Rencontrer l'autre m'a incité à me sentir comme pleurer. Je ne peux pas croire, après tout cela et après tellement longtemps, je m'inquiète toujours de lui beaucoup. Dieu, ce qui est ceci? Je pas ce qui demande pourquoi ceci arrive à moi, mais ce qui Vous veulent que j'apprenne de ceci?

Les pensées au sujet de elle m'irritent également. Je commence à interroger pourquoi elle se comporte comme celle. Toute sa bonté semble si fausse maintenant. Elle est la personne que je respecte tellement. Mais ses attitudes impitoyables ont changé d'avis. Comment a osé quelqu'un qui soutient que 'status', considérez des personnes basées sur ce qu'elles peuvent donner? Si matérialiste! Je suis dégoûté de façon ou d'autre par son attitude trop-évidente!!!

Oh Dieu.. aidez-et veuillez pardonnez-moi.. :(

désolé, ne peut pas s'aider,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My another dream: guitarist wannabe (",)

I have been wanting an acoustic guitar really baaaaaadly!!! Yet haven't bought one coz I dunno what kind of guitar I should get..

any suggestion anyone?