Sunday, February 17, 2008

Papaku Ulang Tahun!!!

Wuih.. baru sadar gua that I am so lack of my daddy’s pictures.Hehehe.. Well, udah nasib sih daddyku jarang punya foto both sendiri maupun bareng ma mama or anak2nya. Namanya juga photographer, well jadi otomatis jarang aja nongol di foto mukanya.hehe..

Met ulang tahun papakuh tersayaaaaaank^^ Time passes very quickly but my love for you will never ever pass away with the time. Thanks for being a great loving dad that’s always full with patience. Thanks for being a great counsellor with gentle compromises and understanding. Thanks for being a fabulous friend, all the jokes and the jayusness, the entire laugh. Hehe :D Thanks for lending me your shoulders to lean on when I am sad, for offering me your hands when I am just simply sucked at any kind of issues. No one can ever replace you in my heart. For carving my name in your heart, even when I was still hiding in mom’s tummy, I thank you for that :)

Joyeux anniversaire mon papa aimé! Semoga umur panjang, sukses selalu, diberkati selalu, sehat-sehat selalu.. Semoga bisa lebih devoted ke Papa J, lebih sayang ma kite2 yg di rumah and lebih jayus lagi kayak gua yg kian hari kian jayus, bisa jadi juru pijit yg lebih jago lagi, etc etc deh hehehe..

Tahun ini mmg udah gua program- no bday presents for any of the orang2 rumah.hehehe.. but last year, I gave my dad a simple gift yet was attached with tons of love- I recorded my singing. Wew, still remember how ribet proses pembuatannya- bikin appointment ma guru musik buat ngerekam, pleading my busy friend to play the piano for me, running around the whole campus to find the pianist that was apparently sleeping (and it was already the time for the recording!), failing to make the video clip for several times because of my non-computer savvies, etc. See how much love I put?!

I recorded a song titled “Crazy”, originally sang by Patsy Cline, which’s one of my daddy’s favourite songs. Oh ya, video clipnya tuh foto2 gua smua. Bukan mo narsis or apa (but emang lumayan narsis juga sih sbnrnya..hehe), but since it was a present for my dad, wajar lah kalo gua naruhnya foto2 gua smua. Rite rite rite??hehe.. ada foto wkt gua masih 16 taon, gua rambut pendek, gua yg chubby banget (60kgs booo), even my HOT pics (errrrr… lebih cocok dibilang RETARDED pics rather than HOT Though I choked once, though I didn’t make good preparation for it, though it wasn’t recorded in a proper room, though ada suara kertas dibolak balik (gua baca lirik.hehe) terekam, though ada suara org ngobrol juga terekam… still, I WAS PLEASED. Coz it really made my dad’s birthday- he said HE CRIED when he listened to it :’) (oh ya, use headset kalo mau supaya bisa denger dng jelas piano playing temenku. He's a very good pianist!)

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