You are not that old my dearest sis! You're just 22- still young, active, full of dreams, a (bright) student, have lots to explore, lots to challenge yourself with.

my very beautifuuuuuul sis! ^__^
Just talked to her yesterday. I am so happy that she's still the same cerewet sister I used to know. I am happy that she is still so open to me like she used t be (though it doesnt really work the other way around.hehe..sorry sis :p). I am so glad she is happy and comfortable with her new boyfriend, a much wiser and grown up one (I suppose..). I am so happy that in 3 months or so I'll be meeting her. Yeyyyy!! :)
My sis is my best friend. Though, she was my greatest enemy when we were I still clearly remember one of our greatest fights. Instead of saling jambak or dorong-dorongan, we used our mom's shoes as our weapons (including the new pairs ones)! Yeaaah, that was brutal! hahaha.. We, indisputable, ended up with punishments from my mom.
She is a very strong girl, both mentally and physically, whereas I am (kinda) the opposite one. She rarely gets ill or cries. But when she cries, she just doesn’t care where she is and if there’s people watching her crying.hehe.. Me, I cry rather often I got to admit. But I often cry with my pillow on my face so no one can see me crying. hehe. About getting ill, haha, itu mah udah gua banget dr dolo. Skrg aja yg udah jauh mendingan, puji Tuhan banget deh!
However, all of the childhood fights between us are actually bumbu penyedap persaudaraan kita. Kalo kita suka inget2, lucu juga. Hehehe.. Now that we are very close to each other, our differences provide ‘answers’ to each other’s problems and comfort to each other’s hearts. Gua yang suka parno and suka ragu2, dikuatin and dibatu buat ngambil keputusan ma cici gua (walaupun guanya suka bawel n ttp aja parno wlwpun udah dinasehatin berkali2). Ciciku yang kadang suka terlalu keras hati and suka curigaan dlm relationship, diingetin and didenger curhatnya ma gua (walaupun cerita yg sama suka diulang sampe 5x.hehe).
We are so beda in so many ways. Or even probably in almost every single way. Not just that we look completely different, but we think and act in different ways. Dia rambut pendek forever, gua mah rambut panjang is my trademark. She is a shopping queen, I am a salon queen. She loves high heels, I love flip-flops/flat shoes^^. Kalo yg namanya beres2 n nge-dekor rumah wah dia tuh pakarnya. But when it comes to cooking, dapur tuh daerah kekuasaan gua banget. Warna favenya pink ma baby blue. Warna fave gua item ma kuning. Dia orgnya very organized, semua2 udah di plan ahead. Kalo gua, di rumah sampe dapet gelar “Miss Deadline”.lol. Pokoke pas gua masih di Indo, kalo pe-er dah bejibuuuun, ciciku yg jadi juru tulis deh! Kalo ada tugas meringkas dari guru sejarah, tugas akuntansi yg banyak bikin kolomnya, tugas bahasa Indo yg essay2 panjang, udah gua serahin ke dia and gua kerjain pe-er yg laen.hehehhe. Her room is always tidy (except when I am home^.^). Well, my room is tidy too (just because I don't use it now.haha..). Dianya takut gempa bumi setengah matiiii but ngga pusing sama sekali dng yg namanya geledek. Gua mah enjoy2 aja gempa bumi, but get really nervous when it comes to thunderbolt. She is very into fashion, I am very into ‘as long as it’s comfortable and ngga nabrak2 amat lah warnanya’. Koleksinya sepatu sama handbag, koleksi gua topi ma anting. Kalo namanya nonton film seri, bisa dari pagi sampe pagi tuh dianya. I just simply dont like watching (esp. Film seri). Saking bedanya kita bedua sampe marga kita aja beda- dianya MOGI and guanya MOGIE! (put the blame on my grandpa) and masih banyak lagiiiiii..
Tapi, semua perbedaan itu ngga bisa ngalahin satu persamaan kita: we are sincerely devoted in loving each other. We are more than sisters, we are more than best friends. We are angels, sent from The Great Man above, to each other! :)
Thanks for always be there for me. A wonderful young lady like you deserves a wonderful birthday! Hope you have a tremendous one!

i just realized that this ini satu2nya foto kita yg cm bedua!!man.. gotta take more pics with her when I go home this summer.
i love you more than i love my fave chili sauce, obviously!;D
prayers and kisses,
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