Yesterday we practiced some music that are technically difficult in 'how to make the best of it'-wise. To get the feel of it, Doc was being so serious (well, we are leaving this Saturday.. it makes sense for him to be a bit more intense in shaping our throats up!). He used some metaphors and I fund that two of them were pretty deep.
"There's a difference between pretty and beautiful- one is surfac(e)y and the other one goes deep inside"
"In projecting the vocal (so the audience can hear and understand the music), just by rising the volume to the maximum won't do it. You need to have good diction and pronunciation! Otherwise, high volume will just make fuzzy sounds."
The first quote wasn't a new quote for me since it's been one of my favorite personal quotes too, though not exactly the same. Yet the second one really inspires me.
Sometimes, or most of the time, we tend to be so 'loud' in expressing our thoughts and feelings without picking the 'appropriate dictions or pronunciation'. That's why others get confused, that's why they cannot understand what one wants to tell them. It's not enough just by being loud! One ought to be bold and clear! Do not let oneself and others get upset by fuzzy words(or/and actions) that will somehow create fuzzy feelings!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
More than I thought It was
Sedalamnya hatiku Kau pun tau
Dan KasihMu tak jauh dalam jiwaku
Di dalam kesesakan
Di dalam kemenangan
Kutau Engkau slalu bersamaku
I thought I was strong
But, I actually knew from the very beginning
I can never lie to myself and God
Though, I force my heart to believe
That I can stand still through anything
All the lie
I made for myself
To fool my own being
God! I can't bear this no more
This is going to explode!!
I can painfully feel,
How this feeling expands
I hold the pain that I shiver
Never felt this way before
But I know HE is always with me
HE knows me to the deepest of my heart
To the weakest of my being
HE's been the most faithful one in my life
When I'm in struggle, when I am in victory
He's always there
With open arms
He repairs my thorned heart
He counts my tears, both of joy and of misery
Sedalamnya hatiku Kau pun tau
Dan KasihMu tak jauh dalam jiwaku
Di dalam kesesakan
Di dalam kemenangan
Kutau Engkau slalu bersamaku
Dan KasihMu tak jauh dalam jiwaku
Di dalam kesesakan
Di dalam kemenangan
Kutau Engkau slalu bersamaku
I thought I was strong
But, I actually knew from the very beginning
I can never lie to myself and God
Though, I force my heart to believe
That I can stand still through anything
All the lie
I made for myself
To fool my own being
God! I can't bear this no more
This is going to explode!!
I can painfully feel,
How this feeling expands
I hold the pain that I shiver
Never felt this way before
But I know HE is always with me
HE knows me to the deepest of my heart
To the weakest of my being
HE's been the most faithful one in my life
When I'm in struggle, when I am in victory
He's always there
With open arms
He repairs my thorned heart
He counts my tears, both of joy and of misery
Sedalamnya hatiku Kau pun tau
Dan KasihMu tak jauh dalam jiwaku
Di dalam kesesakan
Di dalam kemenangan
Kutau Engkau slalu bersamaku
Monday, February 25, 2008
It isn't It is, is It? isn't It?
It isn't the bliss that hurts the most
It's the scar, it reminds you of all that..
It isn't the feeling that can kill you softly
But the time of longing, doubting the filching miser
Miser, not miser of wealth
It's not something you can let the age to steal
It's bouncing. anon
It isn't bouncing anywhere but inside here
It's jabbering alone
It isn't but it is roaming alone..
It is embracing the sweet fall
counting the hidden tears
It is a lie if it isn't true
Trying to hold the torrents and not to blab
Far off far off
It isn't but it feels like it is
Is it really isn't?
My heart is a strife and it strives
It is?
It isn't?
No mirth of one answer I possess
Yet it is how it feels
It's the scar, it reminds you of all that..
It isn't the feeling that can kill you softly
But the time of longing, doubting the filching miser
Miser, not miser of wealth
It's not something you can let the age to steal
It's bouncing. anon
It isn't bouncing anywhere but inside here
It's jabbering alone
It isn't but it is roaming alone..
It is embracing the sweet fall
counting the hidden tears
It is a lie if it isn't true
Trying to hold the torrents and not to blab
Far off far off
It isn't but it feels like it is
Is it really isn't?
My heart is a strife and it strives
It is?
It isn't?
No mirth of one answer I possess
Yet it is how it feels
Monday, February 18, 2008
When it was: "The Frabjous Day Callooh Callay!"
They were making fun of the British accent today although not in a mean way. Doc, the conductor of Chamber Singers, loves throwing jokes in the middle of rehearsals. Just to light up the practice time that sometime’s just so gloomy due to work overload. I can tell that he's very creative when it comes to 'let's make fun of the British accent'. It is funny and I am okay with that. It just reminds me of AC, my old school, so much. Especially today..
I wish I can go to Spring Reunion- they call it 'The Old Boy's Game'. I guess it's because of the tradition of having rugby match in every reunion. Really not fair! How about the girls then?! We probably should call the reunion- "Let's Pick Daffodils" (^___^)
Dad called 2 days ago. Let me know that he got my card. It reached hi just on time- a day before his birthday! It couldn't be better, could it?! :) I told him that I've decided not to apply for UK visa. "Not enough time, Daddy", I said in a blue tone. He knew I was sad, coz he knew how excited I was when I was talkin to him, like some weeks ago, about my plan to go back to UK. He tried to ensure me to just try to get the visa. Kalo sempat ya syukur, kalo ngga ya at least u try. Gitu kata papa.. But I said no.
Last night I had a conversation about the hugging tradition amongst the Europeans. In my old school, AC, people hug each other so much. One thing that I cannot find either at home or here. Gua baru sadar kalo gua kangen with such sweet tradition. Americans do not really give hug to their fellows and they also interpret it differently. Well, gua bilang sih mirip2 org Indo kali ya. Pelukan tuh diartiin more to as something 'sexual'. Apalagi kalo peluk2an ma lawan jenis. Wah, bisa langsung digosipin macem2 deh.haha.. And memang,untuk org Indo, kalo sampe pelukan ma lawan jenis (selain keluarga), itu pasti ada apa2nya! Rite?! Hehehe. Gua juga, kalo sampe dipeluk temen cowo indo, pasti udah gua gampar/cakar/jambak tu cowo! Enak aje meluk2..heuheuhue However, the intention dr pelukan yg diberikan org Eropa tuh beda banget. That's the way they show how much they care and you can feel how sincere the hug is. You don't have to be a very close friend of someone to get a hug from her/him. And that's why I was so shocked when I got my first 'boy hug' at I got it when I, as a naive little Indonesian girl, just landed in the UK. It was awkward and he realized that I was shocked. haha.. lucu juga kalo gua inget2^^. Akhirnya kita malah jadi temenan baek.hehehe..
I miss my fisties sistas; Mim and Jen. I wanna see my co-year roomie whom I shared a room with (including all the laugh and tears) for 2 years. The Hongkong Giants- Mark, Ivy and Carmen 'Standard level Bio, Kingkong'.lol. Absolutely want to see my fellow Christians- Mark Ivy Carmen (again), Hetty, Bella, Alana, Melecia, Grace, Chris, Matt, Karen, Berenice, Sadi, Margrethe and Alex. Tenzin my twin, Hoovie my son, Darryl my teaser, Kumiko my link sis, Siti, Fha, Ain and so many others!! Wanna see Geof our Chem Papa and Catrin our English B Mama. Mr Birdy too.. see if he is a bit slimer Wanna see Max too, the silly british boy that I was in a big crush It was rather 'funny' how it worked. The first year, we were close friends. Still close friends until 2nd year and tiba2 'sadar' dat we got in a crush satu ma lain at a 'wrong situation and time'. haha.. The farewell night made our friendship became somehow awkward. Was too emotional, way too expressive (I will say). The first and, might also be, the last time I see him crying. We showed our emotional feelings to much to each other tanpa 'mengaku' apa yg sebenarnya kita rasa.Hahaha.. it's crazy. But it's just nice to have those kind of 'cinta monyet' stories. Biar ntar kalo gua dah punya anak, bsa crta2 juga ke anak gua that I have an excitingly colourful youth! :D Gua skrg mah udah kagak ada prasaan apa2 ke dia.
Not forgetting the dining hall, the library, the communal shower.. Also want to see Powys House, where my shelter was. Last but not least, wanna great our mighty Castle- our trademark and skaligus place where pelanggara2n paling asik dibuat (kayak having picnic di atas roof yg aksesnya SANGAT dilarang^^).heuhuehheu..
All I can do is just to pour my excitement here, in my bloggy blog, and wait for 9 years until the next reunion. I hope you guys are gonna have so much fun with all the sheep and daffodils. Okay okay, and the rugby ball too..
Yours forever,
the one and only (crazy) Indonesian
I wish I can go to Spring Reunion- they call it 'The Old Boy's Game'. I guess it's because of the tradition of having rugby match in every reunion. Really not fair! How about the girls then?! We probably should call the reunion- "Let's Pick Daffodils" (^___^)
Dad called 2 days ago. Let me know that he got my card. It reached hi just on time- a day before his birthday! It couldn't be better, could it?! :) I told him that I've decided not to apply for UK visa. "Not enough time, Daddy", I said in a blue tone. He knew I was sad, coz he knew how excited I was when I was talkin to him, like some weeks ago, about my plan to go back to UK. He tried to ensure me to just try to get the visa. Kalo sempat ya syukur, kalo ngga ya at least u try. Gitu kata papa.. But I said no.
Last night I had a conversation about the hugging tradition amongst the Europeans. In my old school, AC, people hug each other so much. One thing that I cannot find either at home or here. Gua baru sadar kalo gua kangen with such sweet tradition. Americans do not really give hug to their fellows and they also interpret it differently. Well, gua bilang sih mirip2 org Indo kali ya. Pelukan tuh diartiin more to as something 'sexual'. Apalagi kalo peluk2an ma lawan jenis. Wah, bisa langsung digosipin macem2 deh.haha.. And memang,untuk org Indo, kalo sampe pelukan ma lawan jenis (selain keluarga), itu pasti ada apa2nya! Rite?! Hehehe. Gua juga, kalo sampe dipeluk temen cowo indo, pasti udah gua gampar/cakar/jambak tu cowo! Enak aje meluk2..heuheuhue However, the intention dr pelukan yg diberikan org Eropa tuh beda banget. That's the way they show how much they care and you can feel how sincere the hug is. You don't have to be a very close friend of someone to get a hug from her/him. And that's why I was so shocked when I got my first 'boy hug' at I got it when I, as a naive little Indonesian girl, just landed in the UK. It was awkward and he realized that I was shocked. haha.. lucu juga kalo gua inget2^^. Akhirnya kita malah jadi temenan baek.hehehe..
I miss my fisties sistas; Mim and Jen. I wanna see my co-year roomie whom I shared a room with (including all the laugh and tears) for 2 years. The Hongkong Giants- Mark, Ivy and Carmen 'Standard level Bio, Kingkong'.lol. Absolutely want to see my fellow Christians- Mark Ivy Carmen (again), Hetty, Bella, Alana, Melecia, Grace, Chris, Matt, Karen, Berenice, Sadi, Margrethe and Alex. Tenzin my twin, Hoovie my son, Darryl my teaser, Kumiko my link sis, Siti, Fha, Ain and so many others!! Wanna see Geof our Chem Papa and Catrin our English B Mama. Mr Birdy too.. see if he is a bit slimer Wanna see Max too, the silly british boy that I was in a big crush It was rather 'funny' how it worked. The first year, we were close friends. Still close friends until 2nd year and tiba2 'sadar' dat we got in a crush satu ma lain at a 'wrong situation and time'. haha.. The farewell night made our friendship became somehow awkward. Was too emotional, way too expressive (I will say). The first and, might also be, the last time I see him crying. We showed our emotional feelings to much to each other tanpa 'mengaku' apa yg sebenarnya kita rasa.Hahaha.. it's crazy. But it's just nice to have those kind of 'cinta monyet' stories. Biar ntar kalo gua dah punya anak, bsa crta2 juga ke anak gua that I have an excitingly colourful youth! :D Gua skrg mah udah kagak ada prasaan apa2 ke dia.
Not forgetting the dining hall, the library, the communal shower.. Also want to see Powys House, where my shelter was. Last but not least, wanna great our mighty Castle- our trademark and skaligus place where pelanggara2n paling asik dibuat (kayak having picnic di atas roof yg aksesnya SANGAT dilarang^^).heuhuehheu..
All I can do is just to pour my excitement here, in my bloggy blog, and wait for 9 years until the next reunion. I hope you guys are gonna have so much fun with all the sheep and daffodils. Okay okay, and the rugby ball too..
Yours forever,
the one and only (crazy) Indonesian
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Papaku Ulang Tahun!!!
Wuih.. baru sadar gua that I am so lack of my daddy’s pictures.Hehehe.. Well, udah nasib sih daddyku jarang punya foto both sendiri maupun bareng ma mama or anak2nya. Namanya juga photographer, well jadi otomatis jarang aja nongol di foto mukanya.hehe..
Met ulang tahun papakuh tersayaaaaaank^^ Time passes very quickly but my love for you will never ever pass away with the time. Thanks for being a great loving dad that’s always full with patience.
Thanks for being a great counsellor with gentle compromises and understanding. Thanks for being a fabulous friend, all the jokes and the jayusness, the entire laugh. Hehe :D Thanks for lending me your shoulders to lean on when I am sad, for offering me your hands when I am just simply sucked at any kind of issues. No one can ever replace you in my heart. For carving my name in your heart, even when I was still hiding in mom’s tummy, I thank you for that :)
Joyeux anniversaire mon papa aimé! Semoga umur panjang, sukses selalu, diberkati selalu, sehat-sehat selalu.. Semoga bisa lebih devoted ke Papa J, lebih sayang ma kite2 yg di rumah and lebih jayus lagi kayak gua yg kian hari kian jayus, bisa jadi juru pijit yg lebih jago lagi, etc etc deh hehehe..
Tahun ini mmg udah gua program- no bday presents for any of the orang2 rumah.hehehe.. but last year, I gave my dad a simple gift yet was attached with tons of love- I recorded my singing.
Wew, still remember how ribet proses pembuatannya- bikin appointment ma guru musik buat ngerekam, pleading my busy friend to play the piano for me, running around the whole campus to find the pianist that was apparently sleeping (and it was already the time for the recording!), failing to make the video clip for several times because of my non-computer savvies, etc. See how much love I put?!
I recorded a song titled “Crazy”, originally sang by Patsy Cline, which’s one of my daddy’s favourite songs. Oh ya, video clipnya tuh foto2 gua smua. Bukan mo narsis or apa (but emang lumayan narsis juga sih sbnrnya..hehe), but since it was a present for my dad, wajar lah kalo gua naruhnya foto2 gua smua. Rite rite rite??hehe.. ada foto wkt gua masih 16 taon, gua rambut pendek, gua yg chubby banget (60kgs booo), even my HOT pics (errrrr… lebih cocok dibilang RETARDED pics rather than HOT Though I choked once, though I didn’t make good preparation for it, though it wasn’t recorded in a proper room, though ada suara kertas dibolak balik (gua baca lirik.hehe) terekam, though ada suara org ngobrol juga terekam… still, I WAS PLEASED. Coz it really made my dad’s birthday- he said HE CRIED when he listened to it :’) (oh ya, use headset kalo mau supaya bisa denger dng jelas piano playing temenku. He's a very good pianist!)
Met ulang tahun papakuh tersayaaaaaank^^ Time passes very quickly but my love for you will never ever pass away with the time. Thanks for being a great loving dad that’s always full with patience.
Joyeux anniversaire mon papa aimé! Semoga umur panjang, sukses selalu, diberkati selalu, sehat-sehat selalu.. Semoga bisa lebih devoted ke Papa J, lebih sayang ma kite2 yg di rumah and lebih jayus lagi kayak gua yg kian hari kian jayus, bisa jadi juru pijit yg lebih jago lagi, etc etc deh hehehe..
Tahun ini mmg udah gua program- no bday presents for any of the orang2 rumah.hehehe.. but last year, I gave my dad a simple gift yet was attached with tons of love- I recorded my singing.

I recorded a song titled “Crazy”, originally sang by Patsy Cline, which’s one of my daddy’s favourite songs. Oh ya, video clipnya tuh foto2 gua smua. Bukan mo narsis or apa (but emang lumayan narsis juga sih sbnrnya..hehe), but since it was a present for my dad, wajar lah kalo gua naruhnya foto2 gua smua. Rite rite rite??hehe.. ada foto wkt gua masih 16 taon, gua rambut pendek, gua yg chubby banget (60kgs booo), even my HOT pics (errrrr… lebih cocok dibilang RETARDED pics rather than HOT Though I choked once, though I didn’t make good preparation for it, though it wasn’t recorded in a proper room, though ada suara kertas dibolak balik (gua baca lirik.hehe) terekam, though ada suara org ngobrol juga terekam… still, I WAS PLEASED. Coz it really made my dad’s birthday- he said HE CRIED when he listened to it :’) (oh ya, use headset kalo mau supaya bisa denger dng jelas piano playing temenku. He's a very good pianist!)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Orange vs Pig
I cannot concentrate..
the whole day..
Well, at least I got some work done. I should have had done more work though. But what can one do when one's heart is being rebelious? What work can one expect to be nicely done when one's heart doesn't want to cooperate with one's brain? Haissss...
Anyway, remember the Funny Orange I posted previously?? I found the full version of it!! Here we go..

Oh ya, I just remember, I took this very funny pic while I was in CA. If I am not mistaken, I got it from Sea World or probably Universal Studio.. Ummmm, cant remember. Im too old, I know.. -_-"

isnt it a fab pic???!! hehehhehe
the whole day..
Well, at least I got some work done. I should have had done more work though. But what can one do when one's heart is being rebelious? What work can one expect to be nicely done when one's heart doesn't want to cooperate with one's brain? Haissss...
Anyway, remember the Funny Orange I posted previously?? I found the full version of it!! Here we go..

Oh ya, I just remember, I took this very funny pic while I was in CA. If I am not mistaken, I got it from Sea World or probably Universal Studio.. Ummmm, cant remember. Im too old, I know.. -_-"
isnt it a fab pic???!! hehehhehe
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Chocolaty Day
Guess what!! It's Valentine's Day! (duuuh..-_-)
To me, Valentine's Day is not an exciting moment as it is to some other people. I never really celebrated Valentine's Day. Even when I was in relationship with someone. Well, both of us didn't really take that pinky occasion into serious account. It was neither I nor he was an anti-valentine person. For us, everyday was Valentine's Day. So, that's why we never romantically celebrated the 14th Feb. Reasonable enough, rite?! I wonder who will be the next special person I am gonna spend my ‘everyday is valentine day’ with.hehe.. :)
So far, I got some chocolates from Casey and a card from Arianne. Though I am not a very into chocolate person, I still think it is a very kind of her. Back to my motto: it's the love attached to it that matters! :) I also got an e-card from my mommy. Despite the fact that I knew I would get one from her, it still means a lot to me. But hey, I got another e-card! Did it surprise me? Yes, because I wasn’t expecting to get V-card from that person.
Yesterday I got an electronic V-Card. Anonymous. With a short but somehow meaningful (?) message. Well, at least it was supposed to be meaningful, I guess. Or was it only a joke? While I was still clueless and wondering who sent me that e-card, I decided to email back that person. Just to say happy valentine and to show my appreciation for his/her card. Also, I asked the identity of that person! I got a reply juts couple of minutes after I sent my email. That person said: “I am one of your secret admirers that often…. (”. What???
I was obviously surprised. Even more surprised when I knew who that person was (although he didn’t tell me his name, I managed to figure it out myself.. Angel gitu loh! Heuhueheu). I do not know if he was joking or not. If he wasn’t joking, I have no idea how sober he was when he wrote that to me. Ahhh, gara2 valentine day niy.. bikin org jadi emo. Jadinya ya gini, org2 pada ngirim kartu ngga jelas.hehehe..
Oh ya, I got a present from the post office too!!! I got 2 checks! One is from my daddy (well, no surprise again coz I knew he would send me some bucks. It surprised me a lot that the bank sent me a check as a notification that I got some money transferred into my acc. I thought dat’s kinda odd). Then, the other check is from the Multimedia where I am working! My first wage!!! Nananana.. lol. Oh ya, the min wage actually went up from 6.80 to 7 bucks ^.^ I am so happy, so excited. Finally I can bring some offering into God’s House. Offering that comes from my ‘kerja keras’ (cieee..). Well, mo dibilang offering (in terms of money) pertama yg gua kasih dr hasil ‘kerja keras’ gua, sbnrnya ngga juga sih. Coz I have given offerings yang money-nya came from some competitions that I went to (which is 'kerja keras' too, rite?!). But this one is different! Gua kerja man, my first wage!!!lol. That’s why it means a lot to me although it’s not really a lot of bucks. I cannot wait to go to church to offer the whole first wage of mine. I have been waiting for this for a very long time :)
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”
-Matthew 9:21 (KJV)
To me, Valentine's Day is not an exciting moment as it is to some other people. I never really celebrated Valentine's Day. Even when I was in relationship with someone. Well, both of us didn't really take that pinky occasion into serious account. It was neither I nor he was an anti-valentine person. For us, everyday was Valentine's Day. So, that's why we never romantically celebrated the 14th Feb. Reasonable enough, rite?! I wonder who will be the next special person I am gonna spend my ‘everyday is valentine day’ with.hehe.. :)
So far, I got some chocolates from Casey and a card from Arianne. Though I am not a very into chocolate person, I still think it is a very kind of her. Back to my motto: it's the love attached to it that matters! :) I also got an e-card from my mommy. Despite the fact that I knew I would get one from her, it still means a lot to me. But hey, I got another e-card! Did it surprise me? Yes, because I wasn’t expecting to get V-card from that person.
Yesterday I got an electronic V-Card. Anonymous. With a short but somehow meaningful (?) message. Well, at least it was supposed to be meaningful, I guess. Or was it only a joke? While I was still clueless and wondering who sent me that e-card, I decided to email back that person. Just to say happy valentine and to show my appreciation for his/her card. Also, I asked the identity of that person! I got a reply juts couple of minutes after I sent my email. That person said: “I am one of your secret admirers that often…. (”. What???
I was obviously surprised. Even more surprised when I knew who that person was (although he didn’t tell me his name, I managed to figure it out myself.. Angel gitu loh! Heuhueheu). I do not know if he was joking or not. If he wasn’t joking, I have no idea how sober he was when he wrote that to me. Ahhh, gara2 valentine day niy.. bikin org jadi emo. Jadinya ya gini, org2 pada ngirim kartu ngga jelas.hehehe..
Oh ya, I got a present from the post office too!!! I got 2 checks! One is from my daddy (well, no surprise again coz I knew he would send me some bucks. It surprised me a lot that the bank sent me a check as a notification that I got some money transferred into my acc. I thought dat’s kinda odd). Then, the other check is from the Multimedia where I am working! My first wage!!! Nananana.. lol. Oh ya, the min wage actually went up from 6.80 to 7 bucks ^.^ I am so happy, so excited. Finally I can bring some offering into God’s House. Offering that comes from my ‘kerja keras’ (cieee..). Well, mo dibilang offering (in terms of money) pertama yg gua kasih dr hasil ‘kerja keras’ gua, sbnrnya ngga juga sih. Coz I have given offerings yang money-nya came from some competitions that I went to (which is 'kerja keras' too, rite?!). But this one is different! Gua kerja man, my first wage!!!lol. That’s why it means a lot to me although it’s not really a lot of bucks. I cannot wait to go to church to offer the whole first wage of mine. I have been waiting for this for a very long time :)
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”
-Matthew 9:21 (KJV)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Bonne apetit!
Just wanna show off my delicious 'ayam bubu bali' and 'ayam kari'
heuhuehheuhehehe (^oo^)v

Ayam karinya was kinda ruined coz I put too much sugar. To balance it up, I added more chilies. Yumm yummmmm..
Pas sebelum turun Cols weekend kemaren, gua br ingat gua masih punya ayam di freezer. Yg llu gua masak ayam bumbu bali kan ngga dipake semua ayamnya.. So, dr pada mubazir ayamnya, gua masak aje. Oh ya, gua dapet santan oke punya di walmart. Ngga nyangka walmart punya brg bgs juga trnyt.hehehe..

Ini ayam umbu balinya.. Harusnya aku tambah brokoli sih. Biar leih menarik warnanya n lbih healthy. Juga, gua kagak punya asem jawa. Jadi bumbunya kurang.. hiksss.. But it's ok lah, as long as I put lots of chili, any kind of food will surely taste good!^^

bonne apetit!
heuhuehheuhehehe (^oo^)v
Ayam karinya was kinda ruined coz I put too much sugar. To balance it up, I added more chilies. Yumm yummmmm..
Pas sebelum turun Cols weekend kemaren, gua br ingat gua masih punya ayam di freezer. Yg llu gua masak ayam bumbu bali kan ngga dipake semua ayamnya.. So, dr pada mubazir ayamnya, gua masak aje. Oh ya, gua dapet santan oke punya di walmart. Ngga nyangka walmart punya brg bgs juga trnyt.hehehe..
Ini ayam umbu balinya.. Harusnya aku tambah brokoli sih. Biar leih menarik warnanya n lbih healthy. Juga, gua kagak punya asem jawa. Jadi bumbunya kurang.. hiksss.. But it's ok lah, as long as I put lots of chili, any kind of food will surely taste good!^^
bonne apetit!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Di Depanku
Sama seperti gerimis
bagiku terlihat seperti langit yang menangis
Hati ini mendung, teriris
kala kegelisahan ini kucoba tepis
Langit yang muram, abu-abu
menyangsikan hatiku, hatiku yag sendu
Adakah kau rasa sejuta rindu,
seperti punyaku yang setiap hari merasuk kalbu?
Pohon-pohon tiada berdaun
Mencoba bertahan lewati dinginnya tahun
Rasaku laksana ranting-ranting itu
banyak namun beragam juga mudah rapuh
Setiap kali kuingat kamu..
Mencoba bertahan ditengah raguku
Ingin kutahu sebesit warna hatimu
Apa warnanya juga abu-abu,
layaknya hatiku yang sepenuh hati mendambamu?
Ah, apa daya yang kupunya?
Hanya bisa kubertanya,
pada mentari yang sembunyi entah di mana
Biarkan aku mendamba jiwamu yang indah
Karena jujur hanya itu saja
yang membuat hari mendung terasa cerah
I dedicate this poem to my beloved roomie, Arianne. I know it hurts, though I might not fully understand how it hurts. But it hurts me too when I see you crying. I pray that God will touch your heart, ease your pain. Hope you'll feel better..
bagiku terlihat seperti langit yang menangis
Hati ini mendung, teriris
kala kegelisahan ini kucoba tepis
Langit yang muram, abu-abu
menyangsikan hatiku, hatiku yag sendu
Adakah kau rasa sejuta rindu,
seperti punyaku yang setiap hari merasuk kalbu?
Pohon-pohon tiada berdaun
Mencoba bertahan lewati dinginnya tahun
Rasaku laksana ranting-ranting itu
banyak namun beragam juga mudah rapuh
Setiap kali kuingat kamu..
Mencoba bertahan ditengah raguku
Ingin kutahu sebesit warna hatimu
Apa warnanya juga abu-abu,
layaknya hatiku yang sepenuh hati mendambamu?
Ah, apa daya yang kupunya?
Hanya bisa kubertanya,
pada mentari yang sembunyi entah di mana
Biarkan aku mendamba jiwamu yang indah
Karena jujur hanya itu saja
yang membuat hari mendung terasa cerah
I dedicate this poem to my beloved roomie, Arianne. I know it hurts, though I might not fully understand how it hurts. But it hurts me too when I see you crying. I pray that God will touch your heart, ease your pain. Hope you'll feel better..
Saturday, February 9, 2008
That really wasn't just a luck!
Im in Cols at the moment. Having fun with my fellow Indonesian freinds.. Moreover, I am soexcited that, after a while, I got the chance to go to church this Sunday. Yayyy ^_^
Hari ini lumayan cerah dan juga ngga begitu dingin. Such a beautiful day though it was pretty windy. Gua diajak makan si Dion and then kita pegi cari kado buat acara baby showernya kenalannya Dion. Then, gua didrop Dion di rumah Wenny. Gua rada2 ngantuk juga so gua pikir gua nap dulu lah sebelum pegi ke officenya Wenny bentar. Ya wes, pas sampe d kamar, gua dah siap2 mo nap, tiba2 gua pengen ke toilet so I went to the loo. Everything was fine up to that point but then...
Guess what..
and that means I LOCKED WENNY OUT TOO!!!!!!!!!
the key was still in the room and I forgot to unlocekd the door when I went to the loo..
(holly cow)
I was so frustrated when I just knew it!!! Gimana ngga mo frustrated coba, udah pernah kejadian kayak ini sekali eh jadi lagi. Well, ngga mirip2 amat sih. But still it's two similar issues dealing with Wenny's keys. Inti masalah dari dua kasus itu ya, kita bedua kena lock out- guanya sampe Sunday, Wennynya sampe Monday.
My wallet was in the room.. so was the mobile..
and, even more horrible, it was already 3pm on Saturday. It simply meant- THE MAIN OFFICE OF THE BUILDING IS CLOSED ALREADY!!!!
I was so hopeless and felt like I just wanted to eat myself!!!!
But then, I prayed! I kept on praying while I was so panicked. I kept on begging for HIS mercy, kept pleading HIM to not to let the panic situation block my mind.
Then I suddenly thought that I should try to see if there's still anyone in the main office. Secara pikiran manusia, it's kinda lame. Coz we knew, on saturday, the office closes at mid day. But I didn't knw why, gua ngerasa kayak kata hati gua nyruh gua to do so. So I ran down stairs. Geez!! Yeyyy..There's a lady in that office, getting ready for home (I could see her through the curtain). The room was locked and kinda dark. I knocked several times but she didn't seem to want to open. I knew she didn't want to open coz wkt itu kan ada anaknya jg di dlm kantor itu. Anaknya sekitar 8tahunan gitu. Anaknya kayak mau buka pintu gitu but ngga dikasih ma mamanya. Pas gue ngetok lagi n anaknya nanya "who's that" mamanya blh "ssshhhh" gitu, suruh anaknya diem (myb mamanya kira gua ngga bisa lihat mereka..). I got frustrated again.. I knew I could do nothing but pray. So I PRAYED (kusuk banged pokoke >_<).. Doa gua ngga panjang2. Gua cm bilang "God, please soften her heart.. please soften her heart so she'll open the door for me".
Akhirnya dia buka pintu yg sebelahnya!!! Awalnya dia kelihatan kayak mo ngintip gitu. But then krn gua dah liat dia (or could be that she actually wanted to help me), dia aknhirnya tanya gua ada perlu apa. So then I told her what happened and she lent me the standby key..
At this point.. gua ngga tau bisa bilang apa ke Tuhan. Rasanya beribu2 terima kasih ngga bakaln cukup. Kejadian yang sebelumnya juga cm karna kasih Tuhan banget.
Our God is indeed a loving God. Ngga cuma DIA dah korbankan nyawaNya buat gua. Hal2 lame kayak gini juga, TUHAN tetap perhatikan. Oh Lord my God, YOU deserves EVERYTHING that I have!!!!
Wait a sec! Gua baru nyadar, dua kejadian yg mirip ini terjadinya always pas gua hang out bareng si Dion. I see.. arrgggghh lo trnyt bawa bad luck ke gua deh yon! Aih aih.. muahahahha.. joking2^^. But kok bisa bertepatan banget ya? You better start to think about it! huehuehueheuhueh
Hari ini lumayan cerah dan juga ngga begitu dingin. Such a beautiful day though it was pretty windy. Gua diajak makan si Dion and then kita pegi cari kado buat acara baby showernya kenalannya Dion. Then, gua didrop Dion di rumah Wenny. Gua rada2 ngantuk juga so gua pikir gua nap dulu lah sebelum pegi ke officenya Wenny bentar. Ya wes, pas sampe d kamar, gua dah siap2 mo nap, tiba2 gua pengen ke toilet so I went to the loo. Everything was fine up to that point but then...
Guess what..
and that means I LOCKED WENNY OUT TOO!!!!!!!!!
the key was still in the room and I forgot to unlocekd the door when I went to the loo..
(holly cow)
I was so frustrated when I just knew it!!! Gimana ngga mo frustrated coba, udah pernah kejadian kayak ini sekali eh jadi lagi. Well, ngga mirip2 amat sih. But still it's two similar issues dealing with Wenny's keys. Inti masalah dari dua kasus itu ya, kita bedua kena lock out- guanya sampe Sunday, Wennynya sampe Monday.
My wallet was in the room.. so was the mobile..
and, even more horrible, it was already 3pm on Saturday. It simply meant- THE MAIN OFFICE OF THE BUILDING IS CLOSED ALREADY!!!!
I was so hopeless and felt like I just wanted to eat myself!!!!
But then, I prayed! I kept on praying while I was so panicked. I kept on begging for HIS mercy, kept pleading HIM to not to let the panic situation block my mind.
Then I suddenly thought that I should try to see if there's still anyone in the main office. Secara pikiran manusia, it's kinda lame. Coz we knew, on saturday, the office closes at mid day. But I didn't knw why, gua ngerasa kayak kata hati gua nyruh gua to do so. So I ran down stairs. Geez!! Yeyyy..There's a lady in that office, getting ready for home (I could see her through the curtain). The room was locked and kinda dark. I knocked several times but she didn't seem to want to open. I knew she didn't want to open coz wkt itu kan ada anaknya jg di dlm kantor itu. Anaknya sekitar 8tahunan gitu. Anaknya kayak mau buka pintu gitu but ngga dikasih ma mamanya. Pas gue ngetok lagi n anaknya nanya "who's that" mamanya blh "ssshhhh" gitu, suruh anaknya diem (myb mamanya kira gua ngga bisa lihat mereka..). I got frustrated again.. I knew I could do nothing but pray. So I PRAYED (kusuk banged pokoke >_<).. Doa gua ngga panjang2. Gua cm bilang "God, please soften her heart.. please soften her heart so she'll open the door for me".
Akhirnya dia buka pintu yg sebelahnya!!! Awalnya dia kelihatan kayak mo ngintip gitu. But then krn gua dah liat dia (or could be that she actually wanted to help me), dia aknhirnya tanya gua ada perlu apa. So then I told her what happened and she lent me the standby key..
At this point.. gua ngga tau bisa bilang apa ke Tuhan. Rasanya beribu2 terima kasih ngga bakaln cukup. Kejadian yang sebelumnya juga cm karna kasih Tuhan banget.
Our God is indeed a loving God. Ngga cuma DIA dah korbankan nyawaNya buat gua. Hal2 lame kayak gini juga, TUHAN tetap perhatikan. Oh Lord my God, YOU deserves EVERYTHING that I have!!!!
Wait a sec! Gua baru nyadar, dua kejadian yg mirip ini terjadinya always pas gua hang out bareng si Dion. I see.. arrgggghh lo trnyt bawa bad luck ke gua deh yon! Aih aih.. muahahahha.. joking2^^. But kok bisa bertepatan banget ya? You better start to think about it! huehuehueheuhueh
Friday, February 8, 2008
Why to love someone can be so painful? Even more painful, when you trully love someone that YOU KNOW doesn't love you.. Or, it's just as horrible to love someone so much but that someone is not sure if he/she actually loves you.
Well, it's not me who just broke up with someone! My roomie is having a very hard time at the moment. I feel so sorry for her. She is such an amazing person! That boy really doesn't desreve her!
I am very close to myself. Which most of the time is good. Coz I dont really feel 'right' when people know too much about what, why and how I feel about certain emotional matters. But it sometimes hurts! Hurts so much! Though it's not very often. But once it hurts, it beats me down that I cannot even cry.
Hmmmmm, this reminds me of the 2 lines of one of the 'very emotional' poems I wrote;
Don't play with my heart I plead
Coz I might die if it bleeds
ahhh.. I feel like writing poem right Haven't done it for quite sometimes. When I am down, I found that writing poems does make me feel better. The fact that I always have the paper and the pen to share my feelings really comforts me.
Well, it's not me who just broke up with someone! My roomie is having a very hard time at the moment. I feel so sorry for her. She is such an amazing person! That boy really doesn't desreve her!
I am very close to myself. Which most of the time is good. Coz I dont really feel 'right' when people know too much about what, why and how I feel about certain emotional matters. But it sometimes hurts! Hurts so much! Though it's not very often. But once it hurts, it beats me down that I cannot even cry.
Hmmmmm, this reminds me of the 2 lines of one of the 'very emotional' poems I wrote;
Don't play with my heart I plead
Coz I might die if it bleeds
ahhh.. I feel like writing poem right Haven't done it for quite sometimes. When I am down, I found that writing poems does make me feel better. The fact that I always have the paper and the pen to share my feelings really comforts me.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tepuk tuh bantal loe!!!
I remember that I had a dream last night.. I remember it was an odd dream. But I can't remember what it was. What I still remember is that when I just woke up, I suddenly tought about something!
Never mind..
Udah beberapa hari ini gua susah tidur. Well, after kejadian Tylenol, gua masih rada2 trauma juga mo minum obat tdr. Padahal, gua baru nemu di laci kecil tempat hair bands gua trnyt masih ada antimo satu strip! Cuma, well, Tylenol bikin gua rada kapok juga.hehehehe.. so, dr kemaren dulu gua coba resep kokoku instead of surrendering my life to any kind of pill.
koko pernah bilang, kalo ngga bisa tdr bantalnya ditepuk2 terus dibalik. gua coba deh.. eh, trnyt manjur juga loh!! hehehe.. uda dua hari ini gua gituin trs bantal gua :D jadi penasaran juga kenapa bisa bgtu.hehe.. gua pikir2, apa mungkin dengan membalik bantal, the other side of bantal yg rada cool (krn blm nyentuh dng kepala kita) gives comfort to our heads thus nolong kita buat lebih relax? Ato, apa mungin krn efek psikologi aja ya? Hummmm, bisa jadi bahan usulan buat independent experiment gua nih! lol
Never mind..
Udah beberapa hari ini gua susah tidur. Well, after kejadian Tylenol, gua masih rada2 trauma juga mo minum obat tdr. Padahal, gua baru nemu di laci kecil tempat hair bands gua trnyt masih ada antimo satu strip! Cuma, well, Tylenol bikin gua rada kapok juga.hehehehe.. so, dr kemaren dulu gua coba resep kokoku instead of surrendering my life to any kind of pill.
koko pernah bilang, kalo ngga bisa tdr bantalnya ditepuk2 terus dibalik. gua coba deh.. eh, trnyt manjur juga loh!! hehehe.. uda dua hari ini gua gituin trs bantal gua :D jadi penasaran juga kenapa bisa bgtu.hehe.. gua pikir2, apa mungkin dengan membalik bantal, the other side of bantal yg rada cool (krn blm nyentuh dng kepala kita) gives comfort to our heads thus nolong kita buat lebih relax? Ato, apa mungin krn efek psikologi aja ya? Hummmm, bisa jadi bahan usulan buat independent experiment gua nih! lol
Monday, February 4, 2008
Guess who's getting old??!
Hahahaha.. kidding, darl!
You are not that old my dearest sis! You're just 22- still young, active, full of dreams, a (bright) student, have lots to explore, lots to challenge yourself with.

my very beautifuuuuuul sis! ^__^
Just talked to her yesterday. I am so happy that she's still the same cerewet sister I used to know. I am happy that she is still so open to me like she used t be (though it doesnt really work the other way around.hehe..sorry sis :p). I am so glad she is happy and comfortable with her new boyfriend, a much wiser and grown up one (I suppose..). I am so happy that in 3 months or so I'll be meeting her. Yeyyyy!! :)
My sis is my best friend. Though, she was my greatest enemy when we were I still clearly remember one of our greatest fights. Instead of saling jambak or dorong-dorongan, we used our mom's shoes as our weapons (including the new pairs ones)! Yeaaah, that was brutal! hahaha.. We, indisputable, ended up with punishments from my mom.
She is a very strong girl, both mentally and physically, whereas I am (kinda) the opposite one. She rarely gets ill or cries. But when she cries, she just doesn’t care where she is and if there’s people watching her crying.hehe.. Me, I cry rather often I got to admit. But I often cry with my pillow on my face so no one can see me crying. hehe. About getting ill, haha, itu mah udah gua banget dr dolo. Skrg aja yg udah jauh mendingan, puji Tuhan banget deh!
However, all of the childhood fights between us are actually bumbu penyedap persaudaraan kita. Kalo kita suka inget2, lucu juga. Hehehe.. Now that we are very close to each other, our differences provide ‘answers’ to each other’s problems and comfort to each other’s hearts. Gua yang suka parno and suka ragu2, dikuatin and dibatu buat ngambil keputusan ma cici gua (walaupun guanya suka bawel n ttp aja parno wlwpun udah dinasehatin berkali2). Ciciku yang kadang suka terlalu keras hati and suka curigaan dlm relationship, diingetin and didenger curhatnya ma gua (walaupun cerita yg sama suka diulang sampe 5x.hehe).
We are so beda in so many ways. Or even probably in almost every single way. Not just that we look completely different, but we think and act in different ways. Dia rambut pendek forever, gua mah rambut panjang is my trademark. She is a shopping queen, I am a salon queen. She loves high heels, I love flip-flops/flat shoes^^. Kalo yg namanya beres2 n nge-dekor rumah wah dia tuh pakarnya. But when it comes to cooking, dapur tuh daerah kekuasaan gua banget. Warna favenya pink ma baby blue. Warna fave gua item ma kuning. Dia orgnya very organized, semua2 udah di plan ahead. Kalo gua, di rumah sampe dapet gelar “Miss Deadline”.lol. Pokoke pas gua masih di Indo, kalo pe-er dah bejibuuuun, ciciku yg jadi juru tulis deh! Kalo ada tugas meringkas dari guru sejarah, tugas akuntansi yg banyak bikin kolomnya, tugas bahasa Indo yg essay2 panjang, udah gua serahin ke dia and gua kerjain pe-er yg laen.hehehhe. Her room is always tidy (except when I am home^.^). Well, my room is tidy too (just because I don't use it now.haha..). Dianya takut gempa bumi setengah matiiii but ngga pusing sama sekali dng yg namanya geledek. Gua mah enjoy2 aja gempa bumi, but get really nervous when it comes to thunderbolt. She is very into fashion, I am very into ‘as long as it’s comfortable and ngga nabrak2 amat lah warnanya’. Koleksinya sepatu sama handbag, koleksi gua topi ma anting. Kalo namanya nonton film seri, bisa dari pagi sampe pagi tuh dianya. I just simply dont like watching (esp. Film seri). Saking bedanya kita bedua sampe marga kita aja beda- dianya MOGI and guanya MOGIE! (put the blame on my grandpa) and masih banyak lagiiiiii..
Tapi, semua perbedaan itu ngga bisa ngalahin satu persamaan kita: we are sincerely devoted in loving each other. We are more than sisters, we are more than best friends. We are angels, sent from The Great Man above, to each other! :)
Thanks for always be there for me. A wonderful young lady like you deserves a wonderful birthday! Hope you have a tremendous one!

i just realized that this ini satu2nya foto kita yg cm bedua!!man.. gotta take more pics with her when I go home this summer.
i love you more than i love my fave chili sauce, obviously!;D
prayers and kisses,
You are not that old my dearest sis! You're just 22- still young, active, full of dreams, a (bright) student, have lots to explore, lots to challenge yourself with.

my very beautifuuuuuul sis! ^__^
Just talked to her yesterday. I am so happy that she's still the same cerewet sister I used to know. I am happy that she is still so open to me like she used t be (though it doesnt really work the other way around.hehe..sorry sis :p). I am so glad she is happy and comfortable with her new boyfriend, a much wiser and grown up one (I suppose..). I am so happy that in 3 months or so I'll be meeting her. Yeyyyy!! :)
My sis is my best friend. Though, she was my greatest enemy when we were I still clearly remember one of our greatest fights. Instead of saling jambak or dorong-dorongan, we used our mom's shoes as our weapons (including the new pairs ones)! Yeaaah, that was brutal! hahaha.. We, indisputable, ended up with punishments from my mom.
She is a very strong girl, both mentally and physically, whereas I am (kinda) the opposite one. She rarely gets ill or cries. But when she cries, she just doesn’t care where she is and if there’s people watching her crying.hehe.. Me, I cry rather often I got to admit. But I often cry with my pillow on my face so no one can see me crying. hehe. About getting ill, haha, itu mah udah gua banget dr dolo. Skrg aja yg udah jauh mendingan, puji Tuhan banget deh!
However, all of the childhood fights between us are actually bumbu penyedap persaudaraan kita. Kalo kita suka inget2, lucu juga. Hehehe.. Now that we are very close to each other, our differences provide ‘answers’ to each other’s problems and comfort to each other’s hearts. Gua yang suka parno and suka ragu2, dikuatin and dibatu buat ngambil keputusan ma cici gua (walaupun guanya suka bawel n ttp aja parno wlwpun udah dinasehatin berkali2). Ciciku yang kadang suka terlalu keras hati and suka curigaan dlm relationship, diingetin and didenger curhatnya ma gua (walaupun cerita yg sama suka diulang sampe 5x.hehe).
We are so beda in so many ways. Or even probably in almost every single way. Not just that we look completely different, but we think and act in different ways. Dia rambut pendek forever, gua mah rambut panjang is my trademark. She is a shopping queen, I am a salon queen. She loves high heels, I love flip-flops/flat shoes^^. Kalo yg namanya beres2 n nge-dekor rumah wah dia tuh pakarnya. But when it comes to cooking, dapur tuh daerah kekuasaan gua banget. Warna favenya pink ma baby blue. Warna fave gua item ma kuning. Dia orgnya very organized, semua2 udah di plan ahead. Kalo gua, di rumah sampe dapet gelar “Miss Deadline”.lol. Pokoke pas gua masih di Indo, kalo pe-er dah bejibuuuun, ciciku yg jadi juru tulis deh! Kalo ada tugas meringkas dari guru sejarah, tugas akuntansi yg banyak bikin kolomnya, tugas bahasa Indo yg essay2 panjang, udah gua serahin ke dia and gua kerjain pe-er yg laen.hehehhe. Her room is always tidy (except when I am home^.^). Well, my room is tidy too (just because I don't use it now.haha..). Dianya takut gempa bumi setengah matiiii but ngga pusing sama sekali dng yg namanya geledek. Gua mah enjoy2 aja gempa bumi, but get really nervous when it comes to thunderbolt. She is very into fashion, I am very into ‘as long as it’s comfortable and ngga nabrak2 amat lah warnanya’. Koleksinya sepatu sama handbag, koleksi gua topi ma anting. Kalo namanya nonton film seri, bisa dari pagi sampe pagi tuh dianya. I just simply dont like watching (esp. Film seri). Saking bedanya kita bedua sampe marga kita aja beda- dianya MOGI and guanya MOGIE! (put the blame on my grandpa) and masih banyak lagiiiiii..
Tapi, semua perbedaan itu ngga bisa ngalahin satu persamaan kita: we are sincerely devoted in loving each other. We are more than sisters, we are more than best friends. We are angels, sent from The Great Man above, to each other! :)
Thanks for always be there for me. A wonderful young lady like you deserves a wonderful birthday! Hope you have a tremendous one!

i just realized that this ini satu2nya foto kita yg cm bedua!!man.. gotta take more pics with her when I go home this summer.
i love you more than i love my fave chili sauce, obviously!;D
prayers and kisses,
Not hazelnuts, but haziness!!!
I am so exhausted!!! I never like a take home quiz and I am pretty sure I won't ever like it! It brutally irritates my brain.. ugggghhhh..
Anyhow, I am done. I better go back to my room and give my brain and eyes some rest (though I am not sure if I can actually fall asleep).
Oh ya, happy birthday to my beloved sis! Can't say much now, I apologize! No more energy to write good stuff. I'll update this post soon. Tomorrow, maybe.. (if tomorrow ever comes!)
Feb the 4th,2008 1.19pm
'Tomrrow' actually came, so here I am fullfiling my promise!
As you had probably guessed, I took Tylenol last night. This might be a quite 'unacceptable' action for some people but not for me. I have been having this sleeping problem since I came to the Sates. Well, not everyday but often enough that I need to stock up that unhealthy medicine in my drawer. Normally I would take Antimo, 'anti mabok' pill that I brought from home. But I ran out of it last week and decided to make a trip to Wallmart to get Tylenol PM instead.
And I didn't know..
Yeah, I didn't know how strong a small blue pill can take control of my self. Today, I was such a mess! I could actually feel it when I just woke up. But it was just too early in the morning for my brain to work properly and get the signal. I was struggling to wake up. That was the first symptom. Secondly, I was struggling to walk 'straight' to my first class. Not only because the middle path was unfriendly due to its slippage but also because I was loosing my consciousness! Dude, I was unconsciously unconscious!!! Yet I hadn't realized that something was wrong with me until Bio class. That class was a pain in my butt! Bio class that usually triggers my enthusiasm was a painstaking today. I was sitting there without feeling that I existed. I was looking at the projector without my eyes cooperating with my brain. I was listening to the professor without my mind focused.
The Tylenol really worked. It worked very well, TOO WELL!!
I felt like a veggie, walking from class to class without a functioned brain. I sort of couldn’t feel my self and I just didn’t want to talk to anybody. Probably that’s how the junkies feel when they are feeling high. Well, I am sure it’s not exactly the same. A bit similar, probably? Whatever!! I am not a junkie. It’s only my guess. It’s weird but I felt like I have a head with lots of empty spaces in it. Things just didn’t make sense, voices sounded somehow hazy. Walking back and forth from dorm-class-another class-canteen-class-dorm has never been a high energy demanding activity for me, before. But Tylenol was, if truth be told, taking control of me! I had to keep playing Black Eyed Peas’ Dum Dilly loudly to keep me alert so I wouldn’t fall while walking on that (hopefully will soon be improved) slippery icy path.
Sounds like I am exaggerating? Take a Tylenol PM and explore it yourself! I am gonna nap now..
PS. Sis, I promise I’ll write something better later today. Until then, I hope you have a blast birthday! Lov ya!
Anyhow, I am done. I better go back to my room and give my brain and eyes some rest (though I am not sure if I can actually fall asleep).
Oh ya, happy birthday to my beloved sis! Can't say much now, I apologize! No more energy to write good stuff. I'll update this post soon. Tomorrow, maybe.. (if tomorrow ever comes!)
Feb the 4th,2008 1.19pm
'Tomrrow' actually came, so here I am fullfiling my promise!
As you had probably guessed, I took Tylenol last night. This might be a quite 'unacceptable' action for some people but not for me. I have been having this sleeping problem since I came to the Sates. Well, not everyday but often enough that I need to stock up that unhealthy medicine in my drawer. Normally I would take Antimo, 'anti mabok' pill that I brought from home. But I ran out of it last week and decided to make a trip to Wallmart to get Tylenol PM instead.
And I didn't know..
Yeah, I didn't know how strong a small blue pill can take control of my self. Today, I was such a mess! I could actually feel it when I just woke up. But it was just too early in the morning for my brain to work properly and get the signal. I was struggling to wake up. That was the first symptom. Secondly, I was struggling to walk 'straight' to my first class. Not only because the middle path was unfriendly due to its slippage but also because I was loosing my consciousness! Dude, I was unconsciously unconscious!!! Yet I hadn't realized that something was wrong with me until Bio class. That class was a pain in my butt! Bio class that usually triggers my enthusiasm was a painstaking today. I was sitting there without feeling that I existed. I was looking at the projector without my eyes cooperating with my brain. I was listening to the professor without my mind focused.
The Tylenol really worked. It worked very well, TOO WELL!!
I felt like a veggie, walking from class to class without a functioned brain. I sort of couldn’t feel my self and I just didn’t want to talk to anybody. Probably that’s how the junkies feel when they are feeling high. Well, I am sure it’s not exactly the same. A bit similar, probably? Whatever!! I am not a junkie. It’s only my guess. It’s weird but I felt like I have a head with lots of empty spaces in it. Things just didn’t make sense, voices sounded somehow hazy. Walking back and forth from dorm-class-another class-canteen-class-dorm has never been a high energy demanding activity for me, before. But Tylenol was, if truth be told, taking control of me! I had to keep playing Black Eyed Peas’ Dum Dilly loudly to keep me alert so I wouldn’t fall while walking on that (hopefully will soon be improved) slippery icy path.
Sounds like I am exaggerating? Take a Tylenol PM and explore it yourself! I am gonna nap now..
PS. Sis, I promise I’ll write something better later today. Until then, I hope you have a blast birthday! Lov ya!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Cutie, Tiny Weeny Quido
Ooooooh.. Temen baek bro ku, istrinya, barusan melahirkan. They just got a cuteeeeeee lil soul.. (^_^)
ayolah Ko, cepatlah dikau menikah dan berikan ponakan yg lucu2 buat adikmu ini!!hehehe ^.^

isn't he adoreeeeable??

congratz Ko Iddo, congratz Ci Kiki, welcome baby Quido Adiel!! :)
alrite, back to Bio -_-"
ayolah Ko, cepatlah dikau menikah dan berikan ponakan yg lucu2 buat adikmu ini!!hehehe ^.^

isn't he adoreeeeable??

congratz Ko Iddo, congratz Ci Kiki, welcome baby Quido Adiel!! :)
alrite, back to Bio -_-"
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