Today we had a cool Bio lecture. We were talking about about Apoptosis- the programmed cell death or (a definition by Prof. Gillen)'Use it or lose it!'. It's so fascinating how cell differentiation really determines the 'future' of an organism, how a tiny protein can cause death if it doesn't function properly. I really think apoptosis is very very cool- if it is prevented from dying, it will cause the organism to die.
I got my schedule for next semester already. I got all classes I wanted except the English class. I am planning to meet with the professor and 'beg' to let me in coz I really need to take that class for the sake of MCAT (or DAT)! I am sooooooo looking forward for the Comparative Animal Physiology class ^^ Chem class hopefully will be enjoyable to, or at least interesting. I believe that Chem lab wont be such painstaking, like Bio labb, since it requires neither long report nor minitab (yayyyy ;p). Oh ya, I am taking Calc class next semester and my two other Bio genetics fellows are taking the same class. I really enjoyed having group study with them this semester and I am pretty certain that next semester we'll have even much more 'fun' since we'll be living in the same house.
Lately, I have been writing crappy stuff. lol. Writing really comforts me though I often write rather bias stuff to confuse the readers.hahaha. Some secrets are just exclusively for me and God :) In 9 days I'll be outta OHIO. So looking forward for home.. lots of plans including taking a baking class, (possibly) dancing class, learn how to drive (again), finish my 'novel', do some shadowing job at the hospital (hopefully), AG in Semarang, Surabaya project, etc etc. Too many plans too little time!
Last weekend was much fun. I met lots of new folks at Indonite. I sang there and I thought it went pretty well (though I am not very sure since there was no monitor for the mic thus I could not hear my singing). But at least I enjoyed it. It was nice but 'scary' at the same time to be on the stage again after a long time withdrawing my self from 'intense' singing.
Well, enough writing for today I guess. I still got some other stuff to do including the presentation for my bio experiment and french hw.
je ne sens pas tres mal aujourd'hui. J'espere qu'il fasse beau, pas de pluiiiiii!!!!
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