My mood has been going up & down drasticaly this week. It was a jolly happy but also fidgety week. So.. since the kitchen is now back (yeyyyyyyy^o^), I decided that I'll cook something nice to myself :)
I tried to do some french before I went for grocery shopping but I just couldnt make it. I was and (kinda) am mentally tired. Oh ya, on the way back to campus, I was listening to my ipod. Ngga tau kenapa bisa pas gitu lagu pertama yg gua play sama mood gua. A song by Dewa yg pas banget ma feeling gua saat itu. Aih aih.. made me feel awkwardly sad yet curious.
Gua masak rendang hr ini!! Yeyyyyy.. But well, since I am org manado, I decided to make it hot and spicy.hohohoho. I was too excited that I put too much chili. My rendang was bloody hot!!! But hell yeah it was très délicieux! ;) Gua sampe makan dua piring.. ufffff.. I had some difficulties to breath properly after eating my exclusive dinner. Though it was extremly hot, I kept eating the big chilies. Begitulah kalo makan pas lg kebawa emosi.. hahahahahha. I was abusing myself, poor me..
but ha! Rendang kali ini adalah the best rendang cooked by me ever! So glad and proud of ma self (^__^). Though gua modif dikit2. Selaen cabe, gua juga tambah sugar snaps to make it greeny and crunchy.hehehehe. nih fotonya ada d bwh..
busett...bneran ngiler gwww..slurrppp
i love the meat and hate the veggies XD
mommy says that veggies are gud for ur health!! ^^
agree...but I usually eat my veggies through my cows... mommy is right but I am smarter...hehhe
ini gejala kebanyakan minum susu sapi.. ya jadinya kaya ko bubud ini deh! heheehehe :D
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