Thursday, January 31, 2008

Daddy, I am doing alright :)

Recently, I just had a long chat with my dad. It was a nice heart to heart talk. But that time, the conversation was kind of unusual compare to the ones we’ve had previously. He wasn’t talking about how much he missed me, about how much he longed for my jayusness and for my manjaness.hehe.. Neither did him complaining about how much he missed dijahilin ama gua. Huehuehue..( he has lost his ‘ngusilin org’ partner since I’ve been abroad.. poor daddy..). He picked a different ‘topic of the day’ on that day!

At the beginning he asked me about school, freinds and if my winter break was fun. We also talked about my plan for grad school, plans for summer break and other issues about life in general. Then (can't remember when exactly, how and why) he suddenly talked about ‘my future’. He started with teasing me that I have got a boyfriend but just didn’t want to tell him or mom. I kept on saying no (well, because that’s the truth. Though I laughed so much coz it was funny and that made him think that I was joking.haha), he kept on teasing me and at some point used my mom’s old joke- “Kamu dah punya cowo French kan.. makanya ngebet banget pengen belajar French..” hahahha.. aih aih.. -_-.

Then he moved into a serious conversation..
Intinya, my daddy afraid ttg gua n cici gua in this same matter- boy! Cici gua trlalu sering n cepet deket ma cowo, guanya terlalu jarang n rada susah deket ma cowo. Haha.. He was afraid that my sis will get married ‘too quickly’, before she’s actually ready for it and.. he was afraid that I will get married ‘too late’ because of focusing on education and/or career too much. Aih aih.. kasian banget ngga sih daddy gua?! Haha.. But well, after my long explanation to him about what my reasons (for bewaring of boys so much) are and why I choose to live my life that way, daddyku jadi tenang :) Also, I told him ttg how big my eagerness to have a lovely family and to become a good wife&mom besides my great passion for becoming a successful doctor. This pleased him even more.

Towards the end of our ‘adult’ conversation (lol), he said something that gladdened me- “Angel, papa sudah lepas angel semenjak Angel masih 16 tahun. Kadang papa suka sedih juga, kalo ingat2 Angel berjuang sendiri di negri orang. Tapi semenjak Angel jauh dari mama dan papa, just now, papa bisa lihat that you have learnt a lot and you have grown up so much. Ini bikin papa sangat senang, bangga dan juga tenang..”. I still remember how overjoyed I was when I heard that. Gua bisa bikin papaku BANGGA dan SENANG. Moreover, I am so pleased with myself that gua bisa bikin papaku TENANG (with the fact that I am living far away from him). However, gua sadar banget, semua kalo tanpa campur tangan Tuhan ngga bakalan sampe bisa sejauh, se-‘under control’ and seindah skrg. Let me thank you again my Lord for all you have done in my life, for the joy, great companion and.. for a loving family :)


Unknown said...

hahahahaha that's a nice conversation. I had a similar one with yours recently actually.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i meant some part of your conversation not the manja and jayus parts hahhahaa

Angel Mogie said...

aih aih.. monyet kok direbut2in. susah mmg kalo udah kena pelet! muahahaha xD