I have been thinking about this lately.. just didn’t realize how much I miss it until today. During lunch, Caroline told us that she just added an Intro to Dance Class and how fun the first day of class was. I am missing it. I miss dancing. I miss the sweaty but exciting practice sessions, the harshness of the instructor (I mean, the perfectionist one), break time; socializing time, mess-your-partner-up-because-you-forget-whether-the-next-step-is-to-the-left-or-to-the-right time, putting on costume and make-up time (I bet this had been the most favourite section for the girls but not for the boys for an obvious reason. lol), being so nervous just 15 minutes before performing, and the performance under hot light spots, and the pictures, and the aftermath party, and.. the people.
I really long for those bits and pieces
Ngel, wow that’s so interesting, you know, that you have the talents in those exciting stuffs… dancing, singing, crazying, etc… I have always wanted or wished to have tried some of those.. but my path has taken me to the other direction.. maybe that’s for a good cause.. I can use those areas that I am so lacking in as a continual source of fresh inspriration and fascination…
well, my point is, you have to keep it up, the God-given talent, not everybody has it, you know dancing..lalala.. so just do it.. come on… you are still under 20 right? Gileee… that’s a long way to go.. you can still do a lot of things… actually, you WILL do a lot new things..
Don’t sound like an old lady whining about “the forgotten passion”… hahahah.. or actually, don’t sound like me who has a blog more aptly called an anatomy of whinings!
kan baru 'nearly forgotten', ko BUd.. belom sampe 'is forgotten'.hehehehe^^
well, i cannot do much now since i have to concentrate on my pre-med stuff. i got to choose which one to sacrafice- singing or dancing. and i chose dancing (since kenyon doesnt offer traditional dance class). a kinda lame but true fact; one cant always get everything one desires.
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