Mumpung baru masuk sekolah, kerjaan belom banyak, nulis2 dulu ahhh.. ^^
Hari ini snow.
Ya udah.. segitu aja untuk kali ini.
Hahahaha.. rese banget nggak sih?! hehehe ;p
Hari ini hr pertama masuk skul afer winter break. Walaupun rada2 dingin, but I felt very warm inside. Not so sure why but it's still good :)
I was kinda lost in the morning. In terms of not yet getting the feeling of 'being a college folk' back! Im trying to grasp the spirit- the more motivated one! French class was my breakfast. Nothing new, same prof, same class mates. Oh ya, one of the chaps dyed her hair. She is TOTALY BLONDE now. I was kinda surprised coz honestly I think her brunette hair was much better. Then continued to Bio Genetics class- new prof, looks like she is not as hyper as the previous one I had in Bio 113 [I'll miss prof Gillen.. :( ]. Chamber was the most enjoyable one. After a month dealing nothing with music scores, it took me sometimes to get used to read those little black dots again. Well, I lied- some of them are actually white! Lucky me, we didnt start this semester with Bach. Doc picked three quite relaxing and rather mellow songs for the reharsal today- which was unusual, in my opinion (or let's say it was a new year present :D). Otherwise, I would have gotten Doc's funny smile with his eyes dilated for having an idiot looking (mengap2 kayak ikan.. haha). Having the 'hot spot' isnt always entertaining, esp in a choir. Dude, I still can getthis.. how can Doc put me almost exactly in front of him??!! I am not that short, come on! But in fact, I am one of the shortest in the group. hikz..
Oh ya, the post office made my day!! Well, actually not the post office. but since without the post office it wouldnt have happened, so nggak papa lah sekali2 showing more grtitude to the Post Office and its men! I got a parcel!! Yayyyyy.. It was supposed to be my b'day present but then they decided to just make it a Christmas gift coz they posted it way too But it's okay. It's the love attached to it that matters ^_^
It's Mim and Jen, my 1st yee roomies in UK, who sent me the parcel. Again, I thanked God for the great sisterhood! They sent me a b'day card, letters, necklace and a package of DRIED SALTY PLUM!! Man, this last one brought back all those memories. Pendeknya- roomie gua nggak suka (n nggak pernah liat sebelumnya) asinan plum. One day, I got one from an asian store in cardiff and brougth it back to AC. Tadinya mereka nggak mau. Pokoke tiga2nya anti banged, katanya aneh! Trus gua paksa suruh coba satu.hehhee.. ehhh, akhirnya 2 of them malah jatuh cinta ma salty plum. Malah mereka yg abisin asinan plum gua.hahha.. Lebih parah lagi si Mim, dia prnh sampe nunggu aku pulang dr social service, nunggu d kamar nggak ke mana2 krn mau minta salty plum! hahha.. now you are addicted to it, dewd! lol. They always teased me, saying that indonesians eat bizarre stuff. Yet they admited that I have a gud taste of food.hehhe..
udah dulu ah.. rencananya mo nulis pendek malah jd kepanjangan.. (-___-)
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