by. Essi Wuorela & Jussi Chydenius
Ja ilman kuuta ja aurinkoa
tama maailma pimia on
sula rai-ai-ai, sula rallallei
tama maailma pimia on
Ja yhden pojan tahden
minun sydameni kipia on
sula rai-ai-ai, sula rallallei
minun sydameni kipia on
Sina hienoinen kuin heina
mina matala niinkuin maa
sula rai-ai-ai, sula rallallei
mina matala niinkuin maa
Oi jos sina kultani tietaisit
kuinka ikava minulla on!
Niin varmaanhan sina rientaisit
etka matkalla viipyisi
sula rai-ai-ai, sula rallallei
etka matkalla viipyisi
My most fave chamber singer's song! It's a piece in Finish with a very deep lyric. This song is very powerful in moving the audiences' emotions. Even the singers' emotions too. "Ja yhden pojan tahden minun sydameni kipia on" is the most moving line for me. It's really me.
Oh ya, today at church, I talked to Om Harlan about my longing to learn how to play guitar. He told me that he would be willing to train me. Then I suddenly want to learn how to play piano too. He encouraged me to do so and ensured me that it's not too late for me to start learning as long as I am willing to put serious efforts on them. Moreover, Ko Bud, Wenny and Ko Jimmy just also asked him to train them (piano only). So now I am excited to learn. We will run this competition! We'll see who'll be 'The Pianist' first^^
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