Saturday, April 25, 2009

pissed off

Chase SUCKS!!!!

I am just so pissed off right now! Since the very beginning they have been doing all this silly mistakes which, in my opinion, are ridiculous to be done by such a big company! Today is the climax! I am SO PISSED OFF!!! Because of their lame system, this whole business needed to get done today now has to be suspended. Plans that were made are now ruined, by Chase!!!!! I am so pissed, gosh..

I really need to get a new back account! I cannot stand this anymore! I don't think I can handle anymore chase-related trouble. Enough!!!!


lawrence said...

what happened?

Angel Mogie said...

ahahha.. gosh, didnt remember I was that mad at chase! lol

iya Law, gua sebel bangeeettt sm chase man! udah dr awal2nya alamat gua salah, nama gua di check books salah, trus money transfer took forever! katanya somehow "ditahan" di corespondent JP morgan yg di NY. I dont understand this whole banking system but it was just annoying. coz I would have done something very important if it did not happen. now have to re-arrange everything and I am so busy preparing for finals.. so ya, still think Chase sucks to the core!! -_-"

piuuuhh, panjang juga pnjlsn gua ye.. lol

lawrence said...

transfer to someone else's account gitu? daripada transfer mending tulis cek, trus deposit to their account di teller. you just need to know their name and account number, i think. it's free too :)

anyway, thanks for sharing!

skakaw said...

I've never seen you being that mad... =P

Some other choices:
national city
us bank
cs bank
etc.. =)