Thursday, April 9, 2009


it's only 5.43am and I am awake. Actually, I have been awake since 5am, with this fever bugging me. I am 101F now, the thermometer says so. Not quite sure if it's high enough to be consider as a fever. But for sure I feel the pain. My head is so painful now, tummy is being rebellious and feel like my bones are cracked.

I tried to go back to sleep after taking the medicine but cannot fall asleep. Lying on bed somehow hurts my head even more. Sitting and doing nothing also hurt my head. So I decided just to write. Hopefully while I am writing now, the medicine will start reacting and brings my body temperature down. I do not have time to be ill now. Ecology exam is this Friday. Haven't studied for it.. Maths hw is also due Friday. Thank God nanoscience weekly hw that is usually due Friday, is due Monday this time..

Feel like calling home now. But I know I shouldn't. Don't wanna make them worry. Yesterday I already felt the symptom. My body was kinda warm, though I didn't check how warm I was (wonder if "warm" is really the term. oh wtvs!), and I felt like vomiting. My friends, R and R, said "jangan2.. km hamil njel!!". lol. "Enak aja!" gua bilang, "emang gua hamil ama ANGIN!!??"

Then I start thinking about how if human reproductive system was like flower's. They 'have sex' by animal or wind seed dispersal. Jeez, that wont be nice I guess. Every time it is windy outside, I'll just be sitting at home, wrapping myself with impermeable cloths to make sure no sperm will got dispersed by the wind to my skin. Or, I'll be carrying a bug killer (not so sure what it to kill bugs that are flying around me! Coz otherwise I'd get pregnant!! LOL. And I thank God I am not a flower, neither human's reproductive system is like flower's.

this is bullshit i know.. lol
ahhhh, my head starts to hurt again.. :(


lawrence said...

interesting... thoughts... =.=

Anyways, hope ur fever is down by the time u read this. Good luck with the exams too. God bless.

Angel Mogie said...

lol yea..
people w/ fever = random crazy thoughts

thanks for ur wish. despite the fact that it's 101.8F now, at least my head is not as painful now!


lawrence said...

uh oh,if it doesnt get better, see doctor! must be the weather, no?

Angel Mogie said...

no more fever! =) (at least for now)
went to see the doctor and she said it's a viral thing that has been around for a while..