Udah teriak2 sampe sakit ni leher, yah, kalah.. Memang harus diakui, tim pebulutangkis Cina is so excelent! One word I'll use to describe them is 'kaliber'! Tim putri Indonedsia masuk final setidaknya, although pemain fave gua, Greysia Polii (go Manado go go!!hehehe^^), ngga sempat turun bertarung melawan Cina karena 3 tim sebelumnya udah kalah; 3-0 for China.

Tim putra Indonesia harus kandas di babak semi final. Sangat disayangkan, mereka dikalahkan oleh tim Korea Selatan. Though I still think they played very well. I loved permainannya Sony Dwi Kuncoro. He played very very well. Sayang dia kalah 3 points dr pemain Korea Selatan. Sony performed his maximum which made a very rewarding game against the North Korean delegate and, apparently, his body is so keren.hehehe.
Well, I still wanna salut them! Well done folks! Goo job and terus berjuang untuk Indo! :)
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