Dad just called, told me that they just landed. Not in Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali, but Sam ratulangi Airport in Manado -_-"
Apparently there's a problem with the plane or something thus the plane had to land back in Manado. What a heck??! I hope the journey will be safe! It has to be!!!
Now I am in charge of the shops. I am kinda blank with what's going on since I haven't been dealing with anything to do with dad's business for about 3 years. Apalagi sistem krditnya udah ada yg baru sekrg. Mom and Dad are gone for a week trip in Aussie. A treat from a company, dunno which one. Usually my sis, who knows more and less everything about the shops, will take care of the shops when my parents are out. But she is studying in Surabaya now. And my big bro, he is busy in the hospital now. So here I am, though a bit 'blind', I gotta act as If I know everything that's going on (jaga wibawa dong..hehehe). Memang ada orang-orangnya Daddy yang tau barang2 n all the tetek bengek. But as the 'head' I got to control the over all circulation. Untung Daddy udah bilang, ngga ada pembayaran faktur selama mereka ngga ada. So gua ngga perlu pusing2 ngurusin sales2 n their les factures. Trus, stok2 di toko yg laen udah settled. So hopefully mereka ngga bakalan nelpon2 minta ini itu, kompalin ini itu, bikin gua pusinggg..hehehe. The main thing I got to do instead of keeping my eyes on the people and the money I gotta sign quite a number of surat perjanjian dan kawan2nya. Trnyt punya tnD tNGn yg panjang is not efficient at all =.=
Now I am even surer that I was not born untuk jadi pebisnis. hehehhe..
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