Kalbe.co.id - Orang yang Obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan membutuhkan lebih banyak bahan bakar untuk mengangkut mereka dana makanan yang dimakannya. Menurut tim peneliti di London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, hal ini diperburuk karena populasi makin banyak. Peneliti Phil Edwards dan Ian Roberts menulis dalam jurnal Lancet Mei 2008.
Kita menjadi lebih berat dan ini merupakan tanggung jawab global. Obesitas memainkan kunci besar. Paling sedikit 400 juta orang dewasa di dunia mengalami obes. World Health Organization (WHO) memproyeksikan pada pada tahun 2015 ada 2,3 milyar orang dewasa kelebihan berat badan dan lebih dari 700 juta akan obes.
Dalam modelnya, para peneliti menetapkan 40% penduduk global termasuk obes dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) mendekati 30. Banyak negera mendekat dengan cepat dan telah melabihi batas ini. IMT adalah perhitungan tinggi terhadap berat badan dan rentang normal antara 18-25, dengan IMT lebih dari 25 dikategorikan kelebihan berat badan dan di atas 30 adalah obes.
Para peneliti menemukan bahwa orang obes memerlukan 1.680 kalori untuk mempertahankan energi normal dan 1.280 kalori untuk kegiatan sehari-hari, angaka ini 18% lebih tinggi dibandingkan seseorang dengan IMT normal. Karena orang lebih ramping makan lebih sedikit dan tampaknya lebih suka berjalan dibandingkan naik kendaraan, populasi orang ramping dunia lebih sedikit memerlukan bahan bakar transportasi dan pertanian, kata Edwards. hal ini jug penting karena 20% emisi gas rumah kaca berasal dari pertanian, lanjutnya. Tahap selanjutnya adalah menentukan berapa banyak populasi lebih berat berkontribusi dalam perubahan iklim, harga bahan bakar lebih tinggi dan pengurangan pangan, tambahnya. Promosi IMT normal dapat menurunkan permintaan pangan global dan tentunya harganya.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Siti Nurbaya--- no way!
Dulu, waktu gua masih kecil, gua masih ingat how I thought that org yg dijodoh2in itu is so bizzare! Well, ngejodohinnya memang nga kayak Siti Nurbaya banged gitu, but yg kaya "oh, anakku mau dikenalin sama anak ibu ya..".. to me, dat's Siti Nurbaya enoguh! I thought that's is so old fahioned, silly and just odd in so many ways. Ngga orang tuanya, ngga anak2 nya, aneh n lucu aja..
Wakt itu aku masih kecil. Gua inget tanteku, adek papa yg paling bontot, 'dijodoh2in' sama oma n kenalannya oma. I already thought it was a 'crazy thing' and was sure that such thing wouldn't ever happen to me. Pas gua gede, pasti gitu2an udah kadaluarsa. But gua kaget..
My grandma met a lady, her friend, let's call her M. From what she said, it sounded like (se believed that) I was interested in her son and vice versa. Gua aja ketemu anaknya baru sekali. Itu pun gua dah lupa kalo ngga oma ingetin gua that dia yg lalu jemputin gua di singapore. Wew! I was just 17 years old at that time (and he was already twenty sumthin). Oma sampe nanya2. Ya gua bilang aja kagak, gua malah dah lupa dia tuh kayak apa. Gua jelesin baek2 lah (soale info yg oma dapet is that kita, gua ma tu cowo, udah sering chatting2an -_- kasian juga si cowo, digosipin sama mamanya..kekekeke^^)
Ya ampun, jadi kayak waktu tante gua nih..
Ternyata yg namanya trend Siti Nurbaya itu ngga pernah off mode yah.. aih..
Btw, panas bangeeeeed niyyyyy (-oo-)"
Wakt itu aku masih kecil. Gua inget tanteku, adek papa yg paling bontot, 'dijodoh2in' sama oma n kenalannya oma. I already thought it was a 'crazy thing' and was sure that such thing wouldn't ever happen to me. Pas gua gede, pasti gitu2an udah kadaluarsa. But gua kaget..
My grandma met a lady, her friend, let's call her M. From what she said, it sounded like (se believed that) I was interested in her son and vice versa. Gua aja ketemu anaknya baru sekali. Itu pun gua dah lupa kalo ngga oma ingetin gua that dia yg lalu jemputin gua di singapore. Wew! I was just 17 years old at that time (and he was already twenty sumthin). Oma sampe nanya2. Ya gua bilang aja kagak, gua malah dah lupa dia tuh kayak apa. Gua jelesin baek2 lah (soale info yg oma dapet is that kita, gua ma tu cowo, udah sering chatting2an -_- kasian juga si cowo, digosipin sama mamanya..kekekeke^^)
Ya ampun, jadi kayak waktu tante gua nih..
Ternyata yg namanya trend Siti Nurbaya itu ngga pernah off mode yah.. aih..
Btw, panas bangeeeeed niyyyyy (-oo-)"
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thomas & Uber Cups

Well, I still wanna salut them! Well done folks! Goo job and terus berjuang untuk Indo! :)
Being home is just comfortable beyond words. Although it's hot, the traffic is nerve cracking, and life seems to be way harder here.. Home is still home. No other place is better than home :)
Instead of the joy being with my family, enjoying great foods, meeting beloved people, I love being home because I got to be in touch with my close old friends more often. Though most of them are not home yet, we got more time to chat or make calls.
I chatted with Ian last night. And tonight.. (he's in the shower now). He said this:
'if you dun want to talk bout this, maybe u 'll nvr forget about "this" thing'
..and I suddenly thought.. 'yea, maybe.. but it's okay!'
Instead of the joy being with my family, enjoying great foods, meeting beloved people, I love being home because I got to be in touch with my close old friends more often. Though most of them are not home yet, we got more time to chat or make calls.
I chatted with Ian last night. And tonight.. (he's in the shower now). He said this:
'if you dun want to talk bout this, maybe u 'll nvr forget about "this" thing'
..and I suddenly thought.. 'yea, maybe.. but it's okay!'
looking after..
Dad just called, told me that they just landed. Not in Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali, but Sam ratulangi Airport in Manado -_-"
Apparently there's a problem with the plane or something thus the plane had to land back in Manado. What a heck??! I hope the journey will be safe! It has to be!!!
Now I am in charge of the shops. I am kinda blank with what's going on since I haven't been dealing with anything to do with dad's business for about 3 years. Apalagi sistem krditnya udah ada yg baru sekrg. Mom and Dad are gone for a week trip in Aussie. A treat from a company, dunno which one. Usually my sis, who knows more and less everything about the shops, will take care of the shops when my parents are out. But she is studying in Surabaya now. And my big bro, he is busy in the hospital now. So here I am, though a bit 'blind', I gotta act as If I know everything that's going on (jaga wibawa dong..hehehe). Memang ada orang-orangnya Daddy yang tau barang2 n all the tetek bengek. But as the 'head' I got to control the over all circulation. Untung Daddy udah bilang, ngga ada pembayaran faktur selama mereka ngga ada. So gua ngga perlu pusing2 ngurusin sales2 n their les factures. Trus, stok2 di toko yg laen udah settled. So hopefully mereka ngga bakalan nelpon2 minta ini itu, kompalin ini itu, bikin gua pusinggg..hehehe. The main thing I got to do instead of keeping my eyes on the people and the money I gotta sign quite a number of surat perjanjian dan kawan2nya. Trnyt punya tnD tNGn yg panjang is not efficient at all =.=
Now I am even surer that I was not born untuk jadi pebisnis. hehehhe..
Apparently there's a problem with the plane or something thus the plane had to land back in Manado. What a heck??! I hope the journey will be safe! It has to be!!!
Now I am in charge of the shops. I am kinda blank with what's going on since I haven't been dealing with anything to do with dad's business for about 3 years. Apalagi sistem krditnya udah ada yg baru sekrg. Mom and Dad are gone for a week trip in Aussie. A treat from a company, dunno which one. Usually my sis, who knows more and less everything about the shops, will take care of the shops when my parents are out. But she is studying in Surabaya now. And my big bro, he is busy in the hospital now. So here I am, though a bit 'blind', I gotta act as If I know everything that's going on (jaga wibawa dong..hehehe). Memang ada orang-orangnya Daddy yang tau barang2 n all the tetek bengek. But as the 'head' I got to control the over all circulation. Untung Daddy udah bilang, ngga ada pembayaran faktur selama mereka ngga ada. So gua ngga perlu pusing2 ngurusin sales2 n their les factures. Trus, stok2 di toko yg laen udah settled. So hopefully mereka ngga bakalan nelpon2 minta ini itu, kompalin ini itu, bikin gua pusinggg..hehehe. The main thing I got to do instead of keeping my eyes on the people and the money I gotta sign quite a number of surat perjanjian dan kawan2nya. Trnyt punya tnD tNGn yg panjang is not efficient at all =.=
Now I am even surer that I was not born untuk jadi pebisnis. hehehhe..
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Changi oh Changi..
aduuuuhh.. bosen niyyyyy!!
just had 18hrs flight from LA to Singapore.. skrg having 8hrs transit di Changi Airport. Bete abis niyyy.. mana toko2nya tutup smua lagiii.. (5 o'clock in the friggin morning!) ugghhhh. just wanna be home asap!!! T^T. tambah lagi flight ke manadonya delay 1 jam!! grrrrr..
mommy... :'(
just had 18hrs flight from LA to Singapore.. skrg having 8hrs transit di Changi Airport. Bete abis niyyy.. mana toko2nya tutup smua lagiii.. (5 o'clock in the friggin morning!) ugghhhh. just wanna be home asap!!! T^T. tambah lagi flight ke manadonya delay 1 jam!! grrrrr..
mommy... :'(
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I cannot sleep. Or, I don't want to sleep. Well, I guess it's a combination of a bit of both.
I decided to watch Juno. Quite unusual, I know. I don't like watching and everyone knows. But, hey, I decided to spend my free Friday evening watching! ^^hehehe. Actually we (my ladies and I) watched Superbad yeterday night. It wasn't bad an I found that I liked 'Evan' (one of the characters in that movie). To be frank, he's cute :) And yes he's in Juno too..
This movie, Juno, gave me such a strange feeling. But I was feeling kinda strange already before I watched it. I found it to be pretty abnormal- I was feeling emotionaly moved during all the scenes that involved the baby. I felt like, oh-dang it-!-I-really-want-to-have-a-baby-! Unfortunately I will need a dad to achieve that. And I don't think I have found or want to find one. To be fair, I am not ready to be the wife of that dad! Hahaha. Yes, I am bulshitting ^^
You know when you just feel something you don't expect to. I bet this is because I am alone now. Roomies are gone home and my room is pretty much empty now- packed, sealed and ready to go baby!lol. I just realized I've never had such private time and space like this at Kenyon before. There would always be people or/and something going on around me and I just realized that I was fed up with that. Subconsciously fed up! Now I am alone- face to face with my heart!
Once I realized that, I was suprsed by all those thoughts of mine that were burried inside me. They then just bursted out! Burried inside my heart, unspoken because of my too occupied brain. Or perhaps it was spoken out but just not loud enough. Or, it could be that my surround was too fuzzy that I couldn't even hear what my heart was trying to tell me. I did not know what it was coming from- or, an ignorance?
All of the sudden I feel like I am leaving Ohio and will never be back! It's weird coz I know for sure I am coming back. If I could give myslef a guess, I would say that it might be the anxiety of losing something. I feel like once I leave this place, I will leave all those memories behind. They would be tossed away and forgotten. That would make me sad.. Coz, at least, I don't want to be forgotten. I really don't. Although in this case, it is more likely that it will happen.
It is 5am. In twelve hours I will be flying with US Airways to CA. Hopefully this one will be a pleasant one :)
I decided to watch Juno. Quite unusual, I know. I don't like watching and everyone knows. But, hey, I decided to spend my free Friday evening watching! ^^hehehe. Actually we (my ladies and I) watched Superbad yeterday night. It wasn't bad an I found that I liked 'Evan' (one of the characters in that movie). To be frank, he's cute :) And yes he's in Juno too..
This movie, Juno, gave me such a strange feeling. But I was feeling kinda strange already before I watched it. I found it to be pretty abnormal- I was feeling emotionaly moved during all the scenes that involved the baby. I felt like, oh-dang it-!-I-really-want-to-have-a-baby-! Unfortunately I will need a dad to achieve that. And I don't think I have found or want to find one. To be fair, I am not ready to be the wife of that dad! Hahaha. Yes, I am bulshitting ^^
You know when you just feel something you don't expect to. I bet this is because I am alone now. Roomies are gone home and my room is pretty much empty now- packed, sealed and ready to go baby!lol. I just realized I've never had such private time and space like this at Kenyon before. There would always be people or/and something going on around me and I just realized that I was fed up with that. Subconsciously fed up! Now I am alone- face to face with my heart!
Once I realized that, I was suprsed by all those thoughts of mine that were burried inside me. They then just bursted out! Burried inside my heart, unspoken because of my too occupied brain. Or perhaps it was spoken out but just not loud enough. Or, it could be that my surround was too fuzzy that I couldn't even hear what my heart was trying to tell me. I did not know what it was coming from- or, an ignorance?
All of the sudden I feel like I am leaving Ohio and will never be back! It's weird coz I know for sure I am coming back. If I could give myslef a guess, I would say that it might be the anxiety of losing something. I feel like once I leave this place, I will leave all those memories behind. They would be tossed away and forgotten. That would make me sad.. Coz, at least, I don't want to be forgotten. I really don't. Although in this case, it is more likely that it will happen.
It is 5am. In twelve hours I will be flying with US Airways to CA. Hopefully this one will be a pleasant one :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
(my) 100 dreams- part 2
Continued from my previous post..
After reading that one chapterof one of Bo's very inspirational books, I decided to write my own 100 dreams :)
Here they are:
(number does not reflect the degree of priority)
100. Heaven (This is what first occured in my mind naturally :D)
99. Big crown in Heaven^^
98. US cell phone- ASAP
97. US driving liscence
96. a car
95. take a baking class during summer break
94. take a traditional dance class
93. be in dancing club (again)
92. active singing again (esp. at church)
91. take a photography class at Kenyon
90. good MCAT/ DAT score
89. get into Med school/ dental school
88. duet with Sydney Mohede ^o^
87. record my songs
86. gt shadowing job at the hospital at home tis summer
85. hair cut with bangs (awwww awwwww.. lol)
84. bikin album rohani jazz
83. ..trus yg main musik temen2 sma :)
82. join NGO (health section) at some point of my life
81. visit my school in the UK someties in the near future
80. go to Israel
79. africa
78. sponsor a child
77. take a designing class (clothing)
76. design my own wedding dress :)
75. lovely, faithful christian hubby ^^
74. doctor/ dentist
73. become the best friend of my hubby
72. become a loving and wise wife
71. become a great mom for my kids
70. have kids (at least 2)
69. publish my poems
68. finish my 'novel'
67. ..and get it published too.hehehe
66. penginjil
65. learn how to play guitar
64. ..piano too
63. ..drum will be cool too
62. a good cook (specialized in masakan Manado^^)
61. give back to SF, UWC and Kenyon
60. summer sience (amin...)
59. internship
58. more org indo di Kenyon doooong
57. ngajar sekolah minggu lagi
56. have a dog here at kenyon
55. visit my friends in HK and Thailand
54. joing fencing club
53. join ballroom dance again
52. Karate?
51. maen voli lagi kayak di SMP dulu.hehehhe
50. not too paranoid >_<
49. ngga terlalu mudah percaya org
48. more patient
47. oh ya, rompi keren yg di urban outfitters (^oo^)
46. spend a year in France to practice my french
45. learn mandarin
44. learn spanish
43. finsh reading The Bible; all the way from Genesis to Revelation
42. my lil bro come and continue school here
41. jalan2 di eropa lagiiiiiiiiii^^ (gotta go to spain n germany this time!)
40. get to decide my major soon
39. cepet punya ponakan yg lucuuuu
38. watch Norah Jones LIve
37. watch Diana Krall Live
36. get the Davis Social Fund
35. ..with the fund, do sth to improve the health care for the needy kids at home
34. able to do tie
33. have my own little house
32. chinese names for my kids
31. my kids have my and my hubby's surenames (eg. Mogie-Hartnett)lol
30. reduce my addiction to FB and FS -_-"
29. can ride a bike
28. can swim (properly)
27. punya salon sendiri- biar bisa hair SPA sesering mungkin! muahahaha
26. join chamber singers again in 2011 andgo for the Sout Africa tour! It'd be awsome!!)
(to be continued..)
After reading that one chapterof one of Bo's very inspirational books, I decided to write my own 100 dreams :)
Here they are:
(number does not reflect the degree of priority)
100. Heaven (This is what first occured in my mind naturally :D)
99. Big crown in Heaven^^
98. US cell phone- ASAP
97. US driving liscence
96. a car
95. take a baking class during summer break
94. take a traditional dance class
93. be in dancing club (again)
92. active singing again (esp. at church)
91. take a photography class at Kenyon
90. good MCAT/ DAT score
89. get into Med school/ dental school
88. duet with Sydney Mohede ^o^
87. record my songs
86. gt shadowing job at the hospital at home tis summer
85. hair cut with bangs (awwww awwwww.. lol)
84. bikin album rohani jazz
83. ..trus yg main musik temen2 sma :)
82. join NGO (health section) at some point of my life
81. visit my school in the UK someties in the near future
80. go to Israel
79. africa
78. sponsor a child
77. take a designing class (clothing)
76. design my own wedding dress :)
75. lovely, faithful christian hubby ^^
74. doctor/ dentist
73. become the best friend of my hubby
72. become a loving and wise wife
71. become a great mom for my kids
70. have kids (at least 2)
69. publish my poems
68. finish my 'novel'
67. ..and get it published too.hehehe
66. penginjil
65. learn how to play guitar
64. ..piano too
63. ..drum will be cool too
62. a good cook (specialized in masakan Manado^^)
61. give back to SF, UWC and Kenyon
60. summer sience (amin...)
59. internship
58. more org indo di Kenyon doooong
57. ngajar sekolah minggu lagi
56. have a dog here at kenyon
55. visit my friends in HK and Thailand
54. joing fencing club
53. join ballroom dance again
52. Karate?
51. maen voli lagi kayak di SMP dulu.hehehhe
50. not too paranoid >_<
49. ngga terlalu mudah percaya org
48. more patient
47. oh ya, rompi keren yg di urban outfitters (^oo^)
46. spend a year in France to practice my french
45. learn mandarin
44. learn spanish
43. finsh reading The Bible; all the way from Genesis to Revelation
42. my lil bro come and continue school here
41. jalan2 di eropa lagiiiiiiiiii^^ (gotta go to spain n germany this time!)
40. get to decide my major soon
39. cepet punya ponakan yg lucuuuu
38. watch Norah Jones LIve
37. watch Diana Krall Live
36. get the Davis Social Fund
35. ..with the fund, do sth to improve the health care for the needy kids at home
34. able to do tie
33. have my own little house
32. chinese names for my kids
31. my kids have my and my hubby's surenames (eg. Mogie-Hartnett)lol
30. reduce my addiction to FB and FS -_-"
29. can ride a bike
28. can swim (properly)
27. punya salon sendiri- biar bisa hair SPA sesering mungkin! muahahaha
26. join chamber singers again in 2011 andgo for the Sout Africa tour! It'd be awsome!!)
(to be continued..)
100 dreams
Like two weeks ago or so, I read one of Bo Sanchez books. I did not read the whole book but I remember him telling a story- One day Bo met a youg girl, moaning about how terrible and boring it is not to have her cell phone working. Then Bo gave her a piece of paper and tld her to write her dreams- 100 dreams! The girl was surprised at he begining
"A hundred dreams?? You kidding me!".
Bo just told her to do so.
"Does a polo t-shirt count?", the girl asked him when she just abot to start writing.
"Of coures! Write all dreams you can possibly think!", Bo answered.
She started writing. At the begining it seems like a hundred is waaaaaaaaaay to much and she wouldn't have any more idea what to write! But then she really got into it! Yet before she wrote down 100 dreams, she decided to go and start doing on of her dreams. She realized how beautiful life is. She became aware of the fact that there areso many exciting stuff out there- even without a cell phone! The take home message is 'life is too full of excitement for you to get bored! Go out of your *box* and try to achieve your dreams!'
- A girl with thousands dreams called Angel :) (inspired by Bo Sanchez)
"A hundred dreams?? You kidding me!".
Bo just told her to do so.
"Does a polo t-shirt count?", the girl asked him when she just abot to start writing.
"Of coures! Write all dreams you can possibly think!", Bo answered.
She started writing. At the begining it seems like a hundred is waaaaaaaaaay to much and she wouldn't have any more idea what to write! But then she really got into it! Yet before she wrote down 100 dreams, she decided to go and start doing on of her dreams. She realized how beautiful life is. She became aware of the fact that there areso many exciting stuff out there- even without a cell phone! The take home message is 'life is too full of excitement for you to get bored! Go out of your *box* and try to achieve your dreams!'
- A girl with thousands dreams called Angel :) (inspired by Bo Sanchez)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
moi et mon rêve impossible (ou probablement, 'sera retardé')
Je suis heureuse..
I am happy..
Good food always makes me happy (^oo^)v
Today they serve très délicieux salmon and vegetarian sauté! Those are my favorite!
and the weather is very supportive too. Très bon.. je suis content =)
I have been dating my French textbook since 8am. Well, not a full time intense date since there were some procrastinating events in between. But I am more than half way through.. and I still have tonight plus tomorrow morning and afternoon to study.
Tomorrow will be the day (jreng jrenggg.. geje -_-).. I'll take my French final and I won't have French class no more. I am excited. Yet sad too. I am so glad that I wont have any more friggin intense french class- everyday, twice a day, with tons of online and written homework. But I am sad that I won't be actively practicing my french anymore. It impresses me a lot how much I have learned- from absolutely zero to pretty fluent. I wish I could go abroad during my junior year. I would spend a semester in France and nail my french on my tongue! Again it's about making decision, prioritizing things that are supposed to (or have to) be prioritized. Prof Itagaki, oen of the Health Profession advisors, said- "If you want to go to med school, you got to sacrifice your 'happiness' and be devoted to your pre-med junks!", and that means I better forget about my dream to spend a semester in France. I hate to be aware with the fact that, slowly but sure, I will lose my french. Why am I so sure? Because I know I wont be doing french anymore in the near future (at least for three years). Oui, je dois étudier plus sérieuse pour gagner une bonne note ! Bonne de la chance pour moi ! Alors, au revoir!
I am happy..
Good food always makes me happy (^oo^)v
Today they serve très délicieux salmon and vegetarian sauté! Those are my favorite!
and the weather is very supportive too. Très bon.. je suis content =)
I have been dating my French textbook since 8am. Well, not a full time intense date since there were some procrastinating events in between. But I am more than half way through.. and I still have tonight plus tomorrow morning and afternoon to study.
Tomorrow will be the day (jreng jrenggg.. geje -_-).. I'll take my French final and I won't have French class no more. I am excited. Yet sad too. I am so glad that I wont have any more friggin intense french class- everyday, twice a day, with tons of online and written homework. But I am sad that I won't be actively practicing my french anymore. It impresses me a lot how much I have learned- from absolutely zero to pretty fluent. I wish I could go abroad during my junior year. I would spend a semester in France and nail my french on my tongue! Again it's about making decision, prioritizing things that are supposed to (or have to) be prioritized. Prof Itagaki, oen of the Health Profession advisors, said- "If you want to go to med school, you got to sacrifice your 'happiness' and be devoted to your pre-med junks!", and that means I better forget about my dream to spend a semester in France. I hate to be aware with the fact that, slowly but sure, I will lose my french. Why am I so sure? Because I know I wont be doing french anymore in the near future (at least for three years). Oui, je dois étudier plus sérieuse pour gagner une bonne note ! Bonne de la chance pour moi ! Alors, au revoir!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
La Fête du Muguet!
It’s the First of May - La Fête du Muguet!
On nearly every street corner in France, vendors are selling plants, sprigs and bouquets of lily of the valley. Everywhere people trade gifts of sweet-smelling muguet with their friends and loved ones.
This charming flower-giving tradition dates back to 1561 when King Charles IX decided that lily of the valley (muguet in French) should be offered on May 1 as a sign of good luck. Since then, people throughout the country have been offering the fragrant blooms to friends, loved ones and relatives to bid them a lucky year.
As the flower became a gift rewarding virtue and good conscience, it is said that when the world was created, lily of the valley grew on both sides of the Gates of Paradise and that its little bells rang whenever a good soul went through the door. In the Middle Ages, May was the month for couples to get engaged and the tradition was to hook blades of lily of the valley above the door of one’s loved one. Lily of the valley has long been a symbol of renewal and spring, and it is fitting that it became a symbol of happiness and good luck.
Joyeux Le Jour du Mai !
Happy May Day!
On nearly every street corner in France, vendors are selling plants, sprigs and bouquets of lily of the valley. Everywhere people trade gifts of sweet-smelling muguet with their friends and loved ones.

As the flower became a gift rewarding virtue and good conscience, it is said that when the world was created, lily of the valley grew on both sides of the Gates of Paradise and that its little bells rang whenever a good soul went through the door. In the Middle Ages, May was the month for couples to get engaged and the tradition was to hook blades of lily of the valley above the door of one’s loved one. Lily of the valley has long been a symbol of renewal and spring, and it is fitting that it became a symbol of happiness and good luck.
Joyeux Le Jour du Mai !
Happy May Day!
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