Thursday, September 9, 2010


Motivation, where art thou?

Senior thesis is in the house! Three "potential" research papers (those that I will be working on for my analysis) are due tomorrow and guess how many I have found? ZERO!

Am I busy? Yes. But I did have time to do my online research finding three informatif and interesting science journals. Too bad my motivation is on vacation- gone with the wind! Here we go now I am writing rather not-so-important issues on my blogger. jah..

Well, in about a month Ray and I are going to celebrate our 1st anniversary. I am so excited. I like celebrations, always cherish special moments. Currently I am making an album/ scrapbook to my other-half (as janet always refer to him). I already planned it since long time ago (see how I like special occasion!). But I changed my mind! And this one is even better!!

So, instead of dealing with the hasle fighting with glue, scicors, and their friends, I am working on it with Shutterfly! It is hasle-free and looks nicer overall!

Though my excitement had to stop for a bit last night. I was talking to R about how excited I am about our upcoming anniversary and he just said "it's just an anniversary.. bla bla bla..". I was so down that I cried =( I mean, how could one say such thing to ones gf? After her putting so much effort on the scrapbook she's making despite the schoolworks she has??

I was indeed irritated and disappointed. But then I learnt 2 things:
1. If a person doesn't love you the way you want, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you with all his heart.
R is just a boy. And his "cuek-ness" is kinda his trademark. Sometimes he says things without even thinking about it. Love is not about changing, but rather understanding and acceptance.
2. Love is more about giving, and not focusing on receiving (affection, respect, or materials). If I want to do something because of love, I then should do it because of love regardless the respons of others (including him).

shoot it;s 9:37pm already! Gotta force myself to do what I'm supposed to be doing! aaarrrggggghhhhh >.<

1 comment:

Lawrence said...

hahah, different bahasa kasih :-)