Sunday, February 8, 2009

30 hari mencari Tuhan

**quoted from our CG facebook group- steak & shake 2009 (pporly named eh?!lol). I am so excited about this program! After sebulan puasa Daniel, skrg 30 hari SATE. I am so glad to be part of these two activities for I do believe that to grow stronger in Him I need to be discipline in following Him first. And doing such activities in group surely gives me more motivation!

Hi peepz...
Want to post something up on our new program called "30 hari mencari Tuhan" original i know..hahah

Background: Selama sebulan ini kita di caregroup belajar mengenai God's plan versus Our plan...seperti yang kita pelajarin bahwa God's plan itu is always the best plan for us...cuman the big question remains: "how do we know God's plan?" the answer is...we have to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?...dalam bahasa sehari hari: kita musti punya hubungan yang intim dengan Tuhan. Seperti layaknya hubungan kita dengan orang lain, suatu hubungan itu memerlukan komunikasi, hang out time, giving time,sacrifice de el el....kalo kata Janet..and I quote..."yah..sama kalo kita lagi pacaran deh.." So sebagai salah satu bentuk aplikasinya, kita mau strenghten our personal relationship with our Lord dengan melakukan quiet time/devotional time tiap hari...

The Challenge: The challenge is called 30 hari mencari Tuhan. Semua anggota cg musti melakukan quiet/devo time tiap hari selama 30 hari straight tanpa bolong. Bentuk dari quiet/devo timenya terserah kalian, but musti involve at least the bible and a prayer...(doa makan doesn't count)....setiap minggu melalui acara cg and facebook (khususnya yang melakukan LD care group), i will ask everybody of how they're doing with the program...Let me give you an example:

Example: say kalo kita start hari senin (hari ke 1), trus hari sabtunya (hari ke 6) gue nanya (di acara cg or di facebook), "sapa yang bolong?" and then...Lina says " gue missed hari kamis"...berarti...hari sabtu itu menjadi hari ke 2...dalam kata lain...kalo ada salah satu dari kita yang miss, kita mulai lagi dari awal...kuncinya semua anggota ga boleh madol 30 hari straight...

Prize: it's never fun without a prize. So, kalo semua anggota berhasil melakukan quiet/devo time 30 days straight without madol, at the end of the program I will treat everyone out to dinner. Janji ini ga bakalan fast food. Buat yang LD, this applies to you as well. Next time I see you, I will treat you dinner.

So that's it...30 hari mencari Tuhan is on the way...kita bakal mulai besok senin (February 9 2009). Kalo ada pertanyaan, post it up in this discussion board and we'll answer it.

Have fun guys and gals!

-Tries Nainggolan


Unknown said...

30 hari mencari Tuhan? Is it from 30 hari mencari cinta? heehhe

Angel Mogie said...

katanya sih iya.. wkt CG kmaren mereka lg diskusi mengenai program ini and si janet campe up with that title!hehehe..

Unknown said...

btw gw bales tuh 25 things nya. tapi bukan di FB, di blog gw hehehe