Monday, February 16, 2009

aku kangen kalian.. :(

Vous me manquez, maman, papa, ma soeur et mes freres! vous me manquez tres mal! gosh..
can't believe I won't be home until Christmas 09.

anyhow, that conversation with J really bothers my mind now. I thought that was just purely me guessing. But if so, how come J suddenly came up with that idea, without me speaking a single word about it? Could it be that it's true then? If so, how should I respond? It's pretty sudden, kind of.. Ummm, not really actually. But, oh well, I think taking it easy would be the wisest decision. New pages to write? We shall see..

Ko Bud is leaving.. I wish you all the best in life ko! Thanks for being a panutan to me! God loves you and so do I :)


Unknown said...

I am guessing J is Jesus...

wah ngmg apa nie????? wekekeke *kepo mode*

Angel Mogie said...

dasar kepooooo!!! heuhuehuhe :P