Saturday, October 16, 2010

academically offended!!

Being the only female in a lab full of males is not as comfortable as I thought it would be- especially when the lab is full of boys who think they know everything and you know nothing!

The lab where I am working consists of six people, with me being the only girl (even the supervisor is a male prof.)

Now I understand if other lab members often refer to my lab as the "fraternity of chem dept. lab". Because they are indeed acting like one! Well, not all of them are acting like d*****b**s. But you can definitly feels the atmosphere of rudeness and excessive self-pride once you joined them (again, not all of them. Some of them are "forced" to have the same/ similar attitude just because..). The prof is nice though, I like him a lot. But one of them is just wracking my nerves right now! I am just praying that I can control my self until the end of this semester. I am def leaving this lab when this semester ends.

God forgive me for being this angry

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