Lagi semangat2nya nulis blog nih. maklum baru balik lg ke states kan, internetnya cepet jd enak aje maen2 internet.hehehe
Suddenly I feel like sharing this bit of cookies I've been keeping for my self..
You know what, they way this world runs sometimes makes me wonder why it has to be so. Why sun rises in the east, why fish live in water, why living things have to breath, why time passes by, why memory fades, why men get older, why birds fly, why men fall in love and why i ask all this whys?
It's an old saying says 'life is never fair'
When it comes to falling in love, you can never choose when and with who, you just fall!
Dia jatuh cinta dengan pujangga yg tak seharusnya dan tidak bisa dimiliki ataupun dicintainya. Sementara dilain pihak, beberapa pujangga yg lain megharapkan cinta darinya. Bukan tak mau memberikan kesempatan, bukan pula tak mau menghargai cinta kasih tulus mereka. Apa daya hatinya terlanjur menyayangi pujangga yg bagai bayang, selalu meghantui namun hilang saat hendak diraih. Sementara, ada hati2 yang patah karena mendamba para pujangga yg hanya mau mendamba dia. Semuanya berputar seperti itu.. Why can't her heart is set to love one of those who are willing to love her just simply as who she is? If only heart could be controlled, I bet lots of hearts could be saved from breaking. Her heart, and those lovers hearts, and those lovers' lovers hearts, and probably.. his heart? Could it be that his heart is breaking too?
He is a good runner! Yet She is a better one. He runs away from all this, she runs through all this!
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