My thought wanders while I am eating these very tasty del Monte seedless red grapes..
"Why on earth am I taking this English class??"
which I could simply answer..
"Because I am doing pre-med which forces me to take 'those junks', including that English class!"
Probably a more thoughtful question would be..
"Why on earth am I doing pre-med at a school in the States?"
I really should stop complaining and get going with this eight pages folio-sized reading on Colonialism but I just can't! First, because I do not like the reading- both theme wise and vocabulary wise. Second, because I keep on thinking about how miserable it would be to have to finish reading a Shakespeare's play by Wednesday. Third, it's terrifying me that I will have to take another English class next semester- what a painstaking!!!
Literature and me clearly don't get along really well (though I have a dream to publish a novel written by me. what a dream! I know..).
And it's even worse when it's in English.
Double worse when it's by Shakespeare (I am sorry..).
Ahhh.. I'm just gonna do some Maths and will come back to Colonialism after that!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
let my heart talk..
Lagi semangat2nya nulis blog nih. maklum baru balik lg ke states kan, internetnya cepet jd enak aje maen2 internet.hehehe
Suddenly I feel like sharing this bit of cookies I've been keeping for my self..
You know what, they way this world runs sometimes makes me wonder why it has to be so. Why sun rises in the east, why fish live in water, why living things have to breath, why time passes by, why memory fades, why men get older, why birds fly, why men fall in love and why i ask all this whys?
It's an old saying says 'life is never fair'
When it comes to falling in love, you can never choose when and with who, you just fall!
Dia jatuh cinta dengan pujangga yg tak seharusnya dan tidak bisa dimiliki ataupun dicintainya. Sementara dilain pihak, beberapa pujangga yg lain megharapkan cinta darinya. Bukan tak mau memberikan kesempatan, bukan pula tak mau menghargai cinta kasih tulus mereka. Apa daya hatinya terlanjur menyayangi pujangga yg bagai bayang, selalu meghantui namun hilang saat hendak diraih. Sementara, ada hati2 yang patah karena mendamba para pujangga yg hanya mau mendamba dia. Semuanya berputar seperti itu.. Why can't her heart is set to love one of those who are willing to love her just simply as who she is? If only heart could be controlled, I bet lots of hearts could be saved from breaking. Her heart, and those lovers hearts, and those lovers' lovers hearts, and probably.. his heart? Could it be that his heart is breaking too?
He is a good runner! Yet She is a better one. He runs away from all this, she runs through all this!
Suddenly I feel like sharing this bit of cookies I've been keeping for my self..
You know what, they way this world runs sometimes makes me wonder why it has to be so. Why sun rises in the east, why fish live in water, why living things have to breath, why time passes by, why memory fades, why men get older, why birds fly, why men fall in love and why i ask all this whys?
It's an old saying says 'life is never fair'
When it comes to falling in love, you can never choose when and with who, you just fall!
Dia jatuh cinta dengan pujangga yg tak seharusnya dan tidak bisa dimiliki ataupun dicintainya. Sementara dilain pihak, beberapa pujangga yg lain megharapkan cinta darinya. Bukan tak mau memberikan kesempatan, bukan pula tak mau menghargai cinta kasih tulus mereka. Apa daya hatinya terlanjur menyayangi pujangga yg bagai bayang, selalu meghantui namun hilang saat hendak diraih. Sementara, ada hati2 yang patah karena mendamba para pujangga yg hanya mau mendamba dia. Semuanya berputar seperti itu.. Why can't her heart is set to love one of those who are willing to love her just simply as who she is? If only heart could be controlled, I bet lots of hearts could be saved from breaking. Her heart, and those lovers hearts, and those lovers' lovers hearts, and probably.. his heart? Could it be that his heart is breaking too?
He is a good runner! Yet She is a better one. He runs away from all this, she runs through all this!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
To trust or not to trust?

One big question is haunting me "Am I trusting a faker? Is she playing tricks on me or what?"
My rather painful yet meaningful journey
Gua balik lagi! Skrg dah di Ohio lg. Kaga terasa banget, 3 bulan berlalu begitu cepat. Libubr tlah usai n gua skrg back to the battle field!
Perjalanan gua kali ini ngga begitu mulus. Sehari sebelom berangkat gua sakit. I was down to on the day I left Indo. Usually, I am strong enaough to hold my tears but this time I cried, really cried.
I got 9hrs transit in Singapore. I wasn't feeling very weel and also 9hr was too much for a 'Changi Airport terminal 2 Tour'. Thus I decided to sleep at the transit hotel. So far so good. No real problem. Then I flew to Moscow which took 10hrs. I was so tired that I couldn't even be bothered by the rude guy sitting on my back. I knew he was big and it's kinda hard for him to put his legs properly but at least DONT KEEP ON KICKING MY SEAT! BUt, yeah, I was too sleepy to really notice his bad behaviour!
After 2hrs transit in Moscow (yg cuma bikin capek..), flight was continued to Houston, Texas. It took 12 irritating hrs!!! I have got enoguh sleep on the way to Moscow so now I was fully awake. As you can guess (or probably have guessed), that hyper guy did not stop kicking my seat. I called him hyper coz he really never stopped kicking me! Not even for 5 minutes. He moved his legs every single time, kicked my seat once every 10mins, and when he opened his tray (which is on the back of my seat) he gave me EARTHQUAKE!!!! I was ill, upset to leave home and hence felt like shouting "YOU STOP KICKING MY SEAT OR JUST BUGGER OFF!!". But too bad, gua ngga sampe hati aje.. well, akhirnya gua yg nahan gondok sendiri.. :(
Ssampe di Houston, gua hrs pindah ke domestic flight to Columbus means that I got to move my 2 UBER HEAVY luggages. Good that I didnt know that I have to move to terminal A (I landed in terminal E, the last one) at the first place. Kalo ngga, udah nangis kalee gua ngebayangin all the traoubles I would get! Yes it was phisically and thecnically challenging for a small asian girl like me (well, at least in the states I am considered as 'the small one' lol). I got to take an underground that forced me to leave the trolley behind. With 2 big luggages and one small but heavy enough luggage plus one hand bag, I tried to get into the underground. Seriously, it was HARD. When I jumpe out from the underground, there was no trolley. I just couldnt drag my belongings to the elevator. Lucky me, two kind guys came and offered me a help. But of course they cannot jump into the elev w/ me. again, I failed to move my stuff. Then I saw a trolley at the corner, just 5 steps away from me and the lady said "Surely, someone is watching you over!" and I said "Oh yeah!" HE is watching over me :) Still, it was not easy to put my stuff on the trolley, yet that lady and a man (theyre already in the elev) waited for me and said "Take your time! We'll wait for you!", good Lord! (that man actually came and helped me out. Merci!)
Check in desk..
My luggages were overwghd!!! 5 pounds over! HOW COME?? it was 23 kgs each. the scale at home must be a shitty one! I was grumpy yet, again, lucky enough for not getting extra charges. Off to the waiting room, I was sick enough to read the announcment screen. I just want to be there, have a sit, and wait till boarding!
My flight supposed to board at 5.15pm and it got delayed until 8pm. How great is that? I was so done, phisically and emotionally. Then this kind indian guy came and sat next to me. He was a very nice guy and we kindly offered companion to each other, which I thought was nice. He even changed our seats so we could seat next to e/o and prob have a chat (but well, I fell asleep all the way through to Cahrlotte, NC)
Welcome to Charlotte, NC! It was 11is pm when we landed. I've chatched up some sleep on the plane and that gave me more energy to get going. It was all okay, I went to ask some stuff at the US airways sepecial service desk and he was calling the transit hotel to book rooms for us. Then when I came back the it-was-not-okay started. Singkat cerita, he got kinda upset (and I guess mad) with me coz I didn't want to SHARE A ROOM WITH HIM! Of course I dont want to! he's a STARGER and above all he is a MAN! I asked him not to take any offense and explaned him that to share a room with a man not from my family contradicts the Indonesian tradition. He sudddenly became a bit grumpy and left me. Okay, I am sorry but I am not that 'brave'!
I ended up sharing a room with a girl who got starnded too. I actually didnt want to stay in a hotel but the airport was not open for 24hr, I was kicked out by the airport official.. poor me.. I was lucky enough to meet that girl (whose name Angel too :). I have neither cell phone nor coins to make a call and reserve a room. But God is good, all the time. Tiba2 aja ada ni cewek stranded and need a hotel too. So, gua pinjem hapenya dia n puji Tuhan dia orgnya jg baek n ramah..
I got up at 5.30. 3hrs of sleep for 40bucks, defntly doesnt worth it but well what elese could I have done? 6am I was off to the airport and flew to CMH by 7.30am.
Landed at Cols at 8.45am. I was so happy when I stepped out the plane and enter the airport building. Finaly..
From the distance I saw ko Andre waiving at me :)
Thank God for everything. I believe kalo bukan krn penjagaan Tuhan, gua ngga bakal utuh nyampe Ohio. Thank God!
Gua balik lagi! Skrg dah di Ohio lg. Kaga terasa banget, 3 bulan berlalu begitu cepat. Libubr tlah usai n gua skrg back to the battle field!
Perjalanan gua kali ini ngga begitu mulus. Sehari sebelom berangkat gua sakit. I was down to on the day I left Indo. Usually, I am strong enaough to hold my tears but this time I cried, really cried.
I got 9hrs transit in Singapore. I wasn't feeling very weel and also 9hr was too much for a 'Changi Airport terminal 2 Tour'. Thus I decided to sleep at the transit hotel. So far so good. No real problem. Then I flew to Moscow which took 10hrs. I was so tired that I couldn't even be bothered by the rude guy sitting on my back. I knew he was big and it's kinda hard for him to put his legs properly but at least DONT KEEP ON KICKING MY SEAT! BUt, yeah, I was too sleepy to really notice his bad behaviour!
After 2hrs transit in Moscow (yg cuma bikin capek..), flight was continued to Houston, Texas. It took 12 irritating hrs!!! I have got enoguh sleep on the way to Moscow so now I was fully awake. As you can guess (or probably have guessed), that hyper guy did not stop kicking my seat. I called him hyper coz he really never stopped kicking me! Not even for 5 minutes. He moved his legs every single time, kicked my seat once every 10mins, and when he opened his tray (which is on the back of my seat) he gave me EARTHQUAKE!!!! I was ill, upset to leave home and hence felt like shouting "YOU STOP KICKING MY SEAT OR JUST BUGGER OFF!!". But too bad, gua ngga sampe hati aje.. well, akhirnya gua yg nahan gondok sendiri.. :(
Ssampe di Houston, gua hrs pindah ke domestic flight to Columbus means that I got to move my 2 UBER HEAVY luggages. Good that I didnt know that I have to move to terminal A (I landed in terminal E, the last one) at the first place. Kalo ngga, udah nangis kalee gua ngebayangin all the traoubles I would get! Yes it was phisically and thecnically challenging for a small asian girl like me (well, at least in the states I am considered as 'the small one' lol). I got to take an underground that forced me to leave the trolley behind. With 2 big luggages and one small but heavy enough luggage plus one hand bag, I tried to get into the underground. Seriously, it was HARD. When I jumpe out from the underground, there was no trolley. I just couldnt drag my belongings to the elevator. Lucky me, two kind guys came and offered me a help. But of course they cannot jump into the elev w/ me. again, I failed to move my stuff. Then I saw a trolley at the corner, just 5 steps away from me and the lady said "Surely, someone is watching you over!" and I said "Oh yeah!" HE is watching over me :) Still, it was not easy to put my stuff on the trolley, yet that lady and a man (theyre already in the elev) waited for me and said "Take your time! We'll wait for you!", good Lord! (that man actually came and helped me out. Merci!)
Check in desk..
My luggages were overwghd!!! 5 pounds over! HOW COME?? it was 23 kgs each. the scale at home must be a shitty one! I was grumpy yet, again, lucky enough for not getting extra charges. Off to the waiting room, I was sick enough to read the announcment screen. I just want to be there, have a sit, and wait till boarding!
My flight supposed to board at 5.15pm and it got delayed until 8pm. How great is that? I was so done, phisically and emotionally. Then this kind indian guy came and sat next to me. He was a very nice guy and we kindly offered companion to each other, which I thought was nice. He even changed our seats so we could seat next to e/o and prob have a chat (but well, I fell asleep all the way through to Cahrlotte, NC)
Welcome to Charlotte, NC! It was 11is pm when we landed. I've chatched up some sleep on the plane and that gave me more energy to get going. It was all okay, I went to ask some stuff at the US airways sepecial service desk and he was calling the transit hotel to book rooms for us. Then when I came back the it-was-not-okay started. Singkat cerita, he got kinda upset (and I guess mad) with me coz I didn't want to SHARE A ROOM WITH HIM! Of course I dont want to! he's a STARGER and above all he is a MAN! I asked him not to take any offense and explaned him that to share a room with a man not from my family contradicts the Indonesian tradition. He sudddenly became a bit grumpy and left me. Okay, I am sorry but I am not that 'brave'!
I ended up sharing a room with a girl who got starnded too. I actually didnt want to stay in a hotel but the airport was not open for 24hr, I was kicked out by the airport official.. poor me.. I was lucky enough to meet that girl (whose name Angel too :). I have neither cell phone nor coins to make a call and reserve a room. But God is good, all the time. Tiba2 aja ada ni cewek stranded and need a hotel too. So, gua pinjem hapenya dia n puji Tuhan dia orgnya jg baek n ramah..
I got up at 5.30. 3hrs of sleep for 40bucks, defntly doesnt worth it but well what elese could I have done? 6am I was off to the airport and flew to CMH by 7.30am.
Landed at Cols at 8.45am. I was so happy when I stepped out the plane and enter the airport building. Finaly..
From the distance I saw ko Andre waiving at me :)
Thank God for everything. I believe kalo bukan krn penjagaan Tuhan, gua ngga bakal utuh nyampe Ohio. Thank God!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Waiting at Chanig airport. It feels like it was just some days ago I was here waiting for my flight home. Now I am on the way back to the states. This time I got to wait for about 9 hr. Jah.. -_-
Worse than before yet better somehow.. (krn bukan jam 3 pagi!!!)
ya wes, Im gonna try to fing the transit hotel. cant stand bingung2 alone.hehehehe
Worse than before yet better somehow.. (krn bukan jam 3 pagi!!!)
ya wes, Im gonna try to fing the transit hotel. cant stand bingung2 alone.hehehehe
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Why do women live longer than men?
Across the industrialized world, women still live 5 to 10 years longer than men. Among people over 100 years old, 85% are women, according to Tom Perls, founder of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University and creator of the website asks him why.
Q: Why do women live longer than men?
A: One important reason is the big delay - and advantage - women have over men in terms of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke. Women develop these problems usually in their 70s and 80s, about 10 years later than men, who develop them in their 50s and 60s. For a long time, doctors thought the difference was due to estrogen. But studies have shown that this may not be the case, and now we know that giving estrogen to women post-menopause can actually be bad for them.
One reason for that delay in onset of cardiovascular disease could be that women are relatively iron-deficient compared to men - especially younger women, those in their late teens and early 20s - because of menstruation. Iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell. In fact, in our diets, red meat is the main source of iron, and lack of iron is probably one major reason that being vegetarian is healthy for you. There was a very good study looking at the intake of red meat and heart disease in Leiden in the Netherlands: in regions where people didn't eat red meat, those populations had half the rate of heart attack and stroke compared to the populations that did eat red meat.
Another more complicated possibility [for women's longevity] is that women have two X chromosomes, while men have one. (Men have an X and a Y.) When cells go through aging and damage, they have a choice in terms of genes - either on one X chromosome or the other. Consider it this way: you have a population of cells, all aging together. In some cells, the genes on one X chromosome are active; in other cells, by chance, the same set of genes, with different variations, are active on the other X chromosome. Don't forget, we all have the same genes - the reason we differ is because we express different variations of those genes, like different colors of a car. Now, if one set of variations provides a survival advantage for the cells versus another, then the cells with the advantage will persist while the other ones will die off, leaving behind more cells with the genes on the more advantageous X chromosome. So, in women, cells can perhaps be protected by a slightly better variation of a gene on the second X chromosome. Men don't have this luxury and don't get this choice.
It's very unclear [how big an effect that could have]. I've seen men who have done horrendous damage to themselves over time with smoking and drinking and who still get to 100 and older - though that's very, very rare. They might have the right combination of some really special genetic variations that we call "longevity enabling genes" - which we're on the mad hunt for. Meanwhile other individuals may do everything right and only make it into their 80s. That may be because they have what we call "disease genes," some genetic variations that are relatively bad for them. Now some of these [disease genes] may be on the X chromosome, [meaning that women who have the second X chromosome with which to compensate, would have an advantage]. But it's really still a very complicated puzzle to tease out.
[There are a few other reasons that men die earlier in life more often than women.] Men in their late teens and 20s go through something called "testosterone storm." The levels of the hormone can be quite high and changeable, and that can induce some pretty dangerous behavior among young men. They don't wear their seatbelts; they drink too much alcohol; they can be aggressive with weapons and so on and so forth. These behaviors lead to a higher death rate.
Another area where we see higher death rates among men is among the depressed - especially older men. If they attempt suicide, they are more likely to succeed than women.
Overall, about 70% of the variation around average life expectancy - [just over 80 for women and just over 75 for men in the U.S.] - is probably attributable to environmental factors - your behaviors and your exposures. Probably only 30% is due to genetics. And that's very, very good news. There's so much we can do. Most of us should be able to get into our late 80s. What's more, to get to older ages, like the centenarians, you are necessarily compressing the time you're sick to the end of your life. It's not a case where the older you get, the sicker you get. It's very much the case that the older you get, the healthier you've been.
But, in general, there are maybe three things men do worse than women. They smoke a lot more. (That gender gap is fortunately shrinking, since men are smoking less and less.) They eat more food that leads to high cholesterol. And, perhaps related to that, men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women. They may be more prone to internalizing that stress rather than letting go - though that's a fairly controversial point. Nonetheless, stress plays a very important role in cardiovascular disease.
Q: Why do women live longer than men?
A: One important reason is the big delay - and advantage - women have over men in terms of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke. Women develop these problems usually in their 70s and 80s, about 10 years later than men, who develop them in their 50s and 60s. For a long time, doctors thought the difference was due to estrogen. But studies have shown that this may not be the case, and now we know that giving estrogen to women post-menopause can actually be bad for them.
One reason for that delay in onset of cardiovascular disease could be that women are relatively iron-deficient compared to men - especially younger women, those in their late teens and early 20s - because of menstruation. Iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell. In fact, in our diets, red meat is the main source of iron, and lack of iron is probably one major reason that being vegetarian is healthy for you. There was a very good study looking at the intake of red meat and heart disease in Leiden in the Netherlands: in regions where people didn't eat red meat, those populations had half the rate of heart attack and stroke compared to the populations that did eat red meat.
Another more complicated possibility [for women's longevity] is that women have two X chromosomes, while men have one. (Men have an X and a Y.) When cells go through aging and damage, they have a choice in terms of genes - either on one X chromosome or the other. Consider it this way: you have a population of cells, all aging together. In some cells, the genes on one X chromosome are active; in other cells, by chance, the same set of genes, with different variations, are active on the other X chromosome. Don't forget, we all have the same genes - the reason we differ is because we express different variations of those genes, like different colors of a car. Now, if one set of variations provides a survival advantage for the cells versus another, then the cells with the advantage will persist while the other ones will die off, leaving behind more cells with the genes on the more advantageous X chromosome. So, in women, cells can perhaps be protected by a slightly better variation of a gene on the second X chromosome. Men don't have this luxury and don't get this choice.
It's very unclear [how big an effect that could have]. I've seen men who have done horrendous damage to themselves over time with smoking and drinking and who still get to 100 and older - though that's very, very rare. They might have the right combination of some really special genetic variations that we call "longevity enabling genes" - which we're on the mad hunt for. Meanwhile other individuals may do everything right and only make it into their 80s. That may be because they have what we call "disease genes," some genetic variations that are relatively bad for them. Now some of these [disease genes] may be on the X chromosome, [meaning that women who have the second X chromosome with which to compensate, would have an advantage]. But it's really still a very complicated puzzle to tease out.
[There are a few other reasons that men die earlier in life more often than women.] Men in their late teens and 20s go through something called "testosterone storm." The levels of the hormone can be quite high and changeable, and that can induce some pretty dangerous behavior among young men. They don't wear their seatbelts; they drink too much alcohol; they can be aggressive with weapons and so on and so forth. These behaviors lead to a higher death rate.
Another area where we see higher death rates among men is among the depressed - especially older men. If they attempt suicide, they are more likely to succeed than women.
Overall, about 70% of the variation around average life expectancy - [just over 80 for women and just over 75 for men in the U.S.] - is probably attributable to environmental factors - your behaviors and your exposures. Probably only 30% is due to genetics. And that's very, very good news. There's so much we can do. Most of us should be able to get into our late 80s. What's more, to get to older ages, like the centenarians, you are necessarily compressing the time you're sick to the end of your life. It's not a case where the older you get, the sicker you get. It's very much the case that the older you get, the healthier you've been.
But, in general, there are maybe three things men do worse than women. They smoke a lot more. (That gender gap is fortunately shrinking, since men are smoking less and less.) They eat more food that leads to high cholesterol. And, perhaps related to that, men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women. They may be more prone to internalizing that stress rather than letting go - though that's a fairly controversial point. Nonetheless, stress plays a very important role in cardiovascular disease.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Pics of fun and happiness
Keterangan tambahan- Michael n Ichad are cousins of mine, Gaby n Billy are my siblings and Han is my sis's bf. jelas kan skgr?! ^^
Angel: "Look! Lotta money!! Buat gua aja ya, buat creambath d salon.. jjejjeejee"
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