My bro and his wife-very-soon-to-be, Silvia

Left-right: james mogi (dad’s lil bro), yolanda mogi (dad’s baby sister), Apollo Mogi (dad’s father), Ani Mongdong (dad’s mommy), Meiske Mogi (dad’s lil sis), Herry Mogi (super daddy!)

After the reeption—twas a fun night =)

I am 160cm and was wearing 15cm of heels (imagine how tall they’re!)

Me singing “Jangan Berhenti mencintaiku” by Titi DJ, as an opening performance

My most fave pic of all—me and my beloved Ray

My 2nd most fave pic— a maroon couple


With sis, bros, cuz, bro in law, bf, and uncle

Left-right: dr. Gavin Mogi (big bro, the groom), Gabriel Mogi SH, MKn, MM (big sis), Angel Mogi BA in Molecular Biology (me), Billy Mogi (lil bro)

Ma belle mere.. Susana Nyono aka Mrs. Herry Mogi

This is what a normal pose supposed to be in my family, seriously..

Mon petit ami <3

With siblings and cousins, the Manuhurapons

Tea Pai, love my peach H&M dress ^__^

Richard and Michael Manuhurapon, fave handsome cousins

One of the many family portraits

Cousin Michael Mongdong (people said he kinda look like ray)

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