I woke up in the morning with a card that says “Happy 23th Birthday”. Regardless of the typo, I still love the card lol. And of course, the people whom the card is from— sissy Gaby, bro in law Andy, and lil bro Billy *hug

The card didn’t come empty handed, of course :p I also got a pair of earrings. They knew just what I like =)

My first gifts in the morning: a no ordinary card + a pair of earrings

Then I got a surprise at school. My Ubaya best buddies got a dark chocolate cake from Dapur Coklat.. deliciosooooo!!!

Ubaya best buddies (or my kids, more aptly): left to right.. Vanny, me, Nani, Rheta <3

Taking a pose with some girlfriends of mine.. They’re 5 years younger than me! I do not look that aged, apparently.. hehehehe (^__^)v

On 1st Dec when I came back from school I got a delivery from Mr. Postman— a bday card from my bff Janet and a postcard of Lyon.

Lyon, the city where Janet is studying right now. So pretty..

A card with lots of love and (of course) written in PURPLE ink (janet’s fave color)

Later on the 1st of Dec, Mr. Postman brought another lovely package for me— a simple yet deep white card..

…and a FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 7S POLAROID!!!!! Awwww… I once wanted this thing so badly. I even forgot that I wanted it like a year ago. Lols and YAAAAYYYY!!!!

A card and Polaroid camera from my one and only darling, Ray.. my BFL (boyfriend for life). Love you sayaaaaanngggg *hugandkisses

And, last but not least, MONEYYYYYYYY from my big bro and his wifey, and from my two beloved heroes mom&dad