Saturday, March 12, 2011

Doesn't that make you wonder- Why?!

Young Asian women are three times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the population. Doesn't that make you wonder- Why?!

I think it's probably attributed to a few key reasons.


Asian societies tend to be very status conscious. Asian parents tend to place a heavy psychological pressure to succeed, from a very young age. We do not encourage learning from failure. We place an immense feeling of shame in relation to failure. This is a recipe for suicide.

2. High Stress

Cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul are part of the worlds biggest business capitals. They influence the rest of Asia not just in terms of business, but also fashion trends, and media. This puts a great pressure on the people who are part of this.

3. The Position of Women in Asia

Many Asian women aren't taken seriously and are very often seen as sexual objects by both White and Asian men. No matter how much we have advanced, the foundation of the relationship between Asian women and men is for them to serve the men and provide sex. Sad huh? You may have your arguments on this point, but on a whole, this problem is much more prevalent in Asia than anywhere else.

4. Taboo

We do not speak of that which (we think) should not be spoken of! We don't see mental illnesses like depression for what it really is- an affliction that needs treatment. Instead, we do all we can to sweep such things under the rug, otherwise people will talk and we will lose face. We ignore the abnormal, yet when something like suicide happens, we say - "I never saw it coming". I think for most suicide cases, the people around the victims did see it coming but chose to ignore these warning signs, in the hopes that the situation would just right itself.


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