such rese..
such munafik..
such hypocrate..
such ruthless..
person who is, suppsoedly, be a noble and respected person.
Always komplain "ini orang menjengkelkan blah blah blah..". Well, wajar kalo orang jadi menjengkelkan because you are such a trouble maker and nerve wracking person. The MOST one, on planet earth. Or maybe people aren't actually being menjegkelkan to you, it is just you are so annoying that you think of others so negatively..
Kalo di belakang orangnya, ngomong so super jahat. But 5 mins later, you called that person dan ngomong manisssss banget OMG so munafik..
It's her wedding in 3 days.. Just leave her alone..
There are certain things you don't get to choose in life-- you are just born with it or to be that way. I was. I didn't choose to. But somehow obliged to retain the great and sincere love in my heart.
Sometimes I even doubt if I am loved
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