Sunday, August 22, 2010

trying to be selfless

My petit ami is graduating soon. I am happy for and proud of him, indeed. Yet at the same time I am kind of nervous, scared that he won't find a job here in the states and will have to go back to Indo-- read: leaving me alone, not cool.. :( If truth be told, I WANT him to get a job and stay in the states at least until I am done with my Undergrad degree. But I can't be selfish, can I? I really should pray for whatever best for him, instead of whatever is the most comfortable for me.

On the other hand. I am struggling a lot with my dental school apps. I am so hugely in doubt now, whether I still want to continue my education here in the states or go to a school somewhere near home, like Singapore. At the moment, I am emotionally and mentally more driven for the later option. I WANT to go to school not so far from home (read: reachable within one DIRECT flight!). But I can't be selfish, can I? For I am not mine no more, I am praying for whatever is best according to God's will and plan. Praying that I do not lose courage..

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