Saturday, December 13, 2008

so close yet far away

Final exams udah di depan mata..

TUESDAY 16th-- Chem Lab
THURSDAY 18th-- Calculus and Chem exams
FRIDAY 19th-- Animal Physiology exam and English essay (plus 14 short responses)

then i'll be done for this semester!! Yayyyyy (^_^)v

p.s. and me asking..
is this one, the one?
Either answer and either way
in You I trust, to You I pray

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

randomly found

May, 12th 2008, 17:00 (California time)

I am on the plane, on my way home. Just finished lunch. It was a pretty decent Japanese meal and I liked the cold noodle as well as the rice cracker. My tummy hurts a bit and I have no clue why because the food was not spicy at all (ehmmm, Japanese food, for org Manado? It won’t ever be considered spicy, I suppose). Now I am eating the dessert. Ben and Jerry’s chocolate brownie. It couldn’t be better, just parfait! Ben and Jerry’s is my fave ice cream and chocolate brownie is my fave ice cream flavor. It would have been even more parfait if they have given me a slightly larger cup (of ice cream).hehehe. ini namanya dikasih hati mau jantung^^

Yesterday I went to church with aunt Honie and my cousin Jenny. I was a bit lazy to go and actually planed to just sleep until mid day ( I was so jet lagged even though the time difference between Ohio and California is only 3 hours). I am glad that I listened to my gut! I went to a church called Saddleback Church. It’s a non-denominational church that focuses its mission on putting Jesus’ teaching into actions. The preacher was so powerful in delivering God’s message and I’ll talk about it in my next post.

I am on the plane now. Sitting at the very end of the plane but it’s nice since I don’t have anyone sitting next to me. I can wide spread my legs and put my messy stuff next to me. I actually planned to read a book I just bought yesterday. What inspired me to write this is my cousin Jenny. We spent the night when I arrived at her home talking- from school to Barack Obama, not forgetting our plan to watch the Olympic together, also about pre-medical stuff, and ended up talking about boys (she started, not me, okay?!lol). Frankly speaking, I was hesitating to talk about this issue at the beginning. But I don’t want to ruin the nice heart to heart conversation that is already built. And she was really insisting, wanted to listen to my, fi so called, love story. So I decided to talk, although I knew she would not understand it as the way I do. And yes it was not only my prediction or ‘sok tau-ness’. She was born and grew up in the states. Her way of thinking is unquestionably American. But I could tell that she respects my point of views. Then she talked about her stories. I smiled a lot, we laughed often.

I told her my parable “I am like a bird. I like to fly free and high. Sometimes I fall and it hurts my wings. But that’s okay. It's the process of learning. Otherwise I won’t ever be able to improve my flying skill. But, if I knew that there’s a danger, like a storm for instance, ahead of me and I might die if I flew that high, why should I dare to fly? When I fly high enough, if I fell, my wings might hurt but I would still be able to fly again after a short while. But if I flew really.. really high.. and I fell.. it might kill me. Or if I don’t die, I might break my wings permanently and would not be able to fly again. Forever. It’s different if I did not know that there was a storm coming to struck me. But if I knew ahead that there would be a big storm, there’s no reason for me to take such risk!”

And yes, it’s not as simple as what I just did. I ordered a pineapple juice even though I am allergic to it. I like the fresh taste of pineapple although it means I have to let my tongue suffer from itchiness. Between a bird and its wings, there’s a more critical consequence. What is a bird without its wings? What is a bird if it cannot fly? An old proverb says ‘A man without ambition is like a bird without its wings’.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lucky to have been where I have been :)

I am so in love with Lucky, a sweet song by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. I did not know this song until Ray and Ko Tries showed me a clip of Ko Tries' friends singing it. Also, Ray kept on singing that song that day (during CG on Saturday) and when we were hanging out together during the retreat. He made the song funny by repeating the "do you hear me" bit (as if we were It made me curious to listen to the original version of that song (not the one modified by Ray and Ko Tries.hehe..). So yea, I finally browsed the actual song myself and found that I am soooo in looooove with that song..
Hmmmmmm, wonder if someday I would get to sing that song with someone.. and who would that someone be? I mean, the male vocalist obviously doesn't have to be my bf or fiancee or hubby. I just want to sing it with a male singer that matches my type of voice. If I could find one, that'd be amazing! =D

Here's the link to the original song:

and here's (I think) the best covers of Lucky (although I do not know who you guys are, but you both rock!!!! Four thumbs up!^_^):

p.s. Jason Mraz rocks!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuhan itu baik =]

Pengen banget saat ini mau mengaminkan bahwa memang benar situasi sulit bisa membawa kita untuk bisa lebih sensitif terhadap kasih Tuhan, bisa lebih merasakan bahwa Tuhan itu ada di dekat kita dan sangat penuuuhhhh dng cinta kasih. KuasaNya yang ajaib dinyatakan lewat kelemahanku yang masih penuh dengan daging ini.

I have been feeling down for some days without any obvious reasons. And the bad thing is that I even get unmotivated to pray and do my daily Bible reading. Everything seems to be so pointless. Nothing bad or upsetting happened recently. Malahan, I just came back from the retreat yang begitu memberkati dan memberi inspirasi (the sharing from retreat is coming soon.. wuuahhh, bakal panjang postnya deh!^^).

Hari ini aku bener2 surrender.

I could not do any work. At all. Padahal waktunya ada, cuma motivasinya itu loh, kayak menghilang dari peradaban. This is the first time in my life, even next-day deadline failed to give me the pressure to do my work- org Indo bilang.. ngga ngepek!! Kalo org lost appetite sama makanan, aku lost gairah sama pelajaran2ku (tapi appetite mah jalan terusss.. hehehe). Rasanya maleeeeeeeeeeeees aja bawaannya and semuanya seems so useless. Even kemaren malem, dari jam 8 aku start mo ngerjain maths hw, sampe midnight yg aku tulis tau apa coba? JUST MY NAME AND THE DUE DATE!!!

so, yea, today aku pikir 'wah dah kelewatan nih roh kemalasan gua. gotta ask my BIG DADDY to help me out!'. So I decided that I'd pray. Awalnya susaaaaaaaaah mo doa. Segala macam aku coba bikin sebagai motivasi but teteeeep aja ngga bisa doa. So, aku paksa diriku buat doa!! Grrrrrrr!!! It was hard, but I believe ngga ada yg mustahil bagi Tuhan. I was so confused by my own self that I don't even know what to say/ ask God. I just prayed "Tuhan, Angel nyerah.. please ngomong sama aku.. please.. Angel nyerah.. please Tuhan, ngomong.. help me..". Then, after sometimes, I felt like reading my Bible. Rasanya kata hati gua kayak bilang, "read your bible"!. Aku balik kamar (tadinya di toilet, that's the only nearby place where I can have my private space), ambil Alkitab dan baca. I opened it randomly, dengan iman aku yakin Tuhan akan bicara sama aku lewat firmanNya!

and these are the passage I got (and they are already highlighted!):

"Dalam kesusahan aku berseru kepada Tuhan, dan Ia menjawab aku,"
~ Yunus 2:2a

"Ketika jiwaku letih lesu di dalam aku, teringatlah aku kepada Tuhan, dan sampailah doaku kepada-Mu, ke dalam bait-Mu yang kudus."
~Yunus 2:7

I almost cried when I read that (but malu lah sama roomie..hehe). So I went back to the bathroom and tiba2 saja hatiku pengen banget to do open worship. Although cm di kamar mandi, I believe that hadirat Tuhan bisa turun dimanapun n kapanpun asal kita mau buka hati. Because HIS home is in our hearts! :) I worshiped HIM and I came with my brokenness and surrender everything to HIM. Legaaaaaaaaa rasanya.. I haven't felt this peace for quite a long time. Terlalu busy dng hal2 yg harusnya disepelekan but malah diutamakan, dan yg harusnya diutamakan malah disepelekan (hayaaihh gimana pula kau Njel.. -_-").

Makasi Tuhan dah ngingetin. Udah narik aku balik lagi sebelum aku berjalan menjauh terlalu jauh. Help me know You are near, help me to trust you fully O Lord!